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    I had never thought of it, but it's so obvious that it's genius.

    His face is completely bandaged and when the doctors finally remove them, in an homage to David Lynch, Chuck is now played by David Lander. (Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley)

    Oh Steve Austin, how could I forget!? Also, Evel Knieval.

    Batman reruns were a staple of my childhood. When you are 5, 6, 7 you don't understand camp (well I didn't, at least) and to me those episodes were as serious as the Dark Knight. He, Captain Kirk, Jim West and Steve McGarrett were my heroes.

    Yeah, that was the one where they could pass through solid objects but could still walk around and not fall through the deck.

    Gotta run diagnostics first.

    Where's the reviews for the new episodes of Bloodline?

    So, Spot didn't really go to live at the farm? Where did he go?

    As a regular viewer of Sanford and Son reruns I can affirm that the N word was spoken on a couple of occasions by Fred. Always to uproarious laughter/applause by the studio audience. I watched mostly back in the 80's and 90's. They have probably edited it now.

    If a Baywatch movie, starring the original cast, had been in released in say, 95 or 96, it would've been huge. I watched it regularly but I don't remember why. It's really hard to believe how popular, worldwide, Baywatch was.

    Who could replace Chevy?

    Phillip Winchester is a better character name than Peter Stone.

    I really want the show to have Jimmy become Saul and then to catch up to him as Gene at the Cinnabon and a comeback. Probably not gonna happen, but I don't want him to be at that Cinnabon forever.

    Oh I love it, but I was under the impression it has faded a bit compared to Mullholland Drive. I'm glad to be wrong!

    They aren't even waiting the required 5 to 10 years to reboot something now. C'mon how can we miss a series if won't go away?

    I know his character was from a totally different Lynch movie, but I'd love for Robert Blake to just show up as the Mystery Man. Yes, I'm one of the few that love Lost Highway.

    How about Marcia Wallace as Mrs. Crabapple?

    That would be Friends.

    Agreed. And I guess the writers of the sequel agree as well.

    It's only clear because a scene was added. My problem with it is that it is totally unnecessary. Rachel was already a "surprise" replicant. Having Deckard be one doesn't add anything to the theme. As a matter of fact, it detracts. Deckard is a human that doesn't want to feel and sees no meaning in his life. Roy,