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    Aha! He's not really dead but locked away in a sanitarium and only Miguel knows! Well, maybe not but that would be a helluva plot twist, huh?

    He was a Honda. Acts 2:1 - They were all together in one Accord.

    Could it get any more 70's than that? Well, if Charo had cuchi - cuchied her way into the festivities.

    Remember the Charlie's Angels ON the Love Boat episodes? Classic!

    But have you ever seen a Communist Russian sitcom?

    It still kills me when Mr.Roper gets in a zinger on his wife and then turns to look at the camera.

    And now Star Trek belongs to CBS. What's up with that? Does network to syndication count? Then I've got to add Mamas Family and Baywatch.

    The worst thing Charleton Heston ever did was being tricked into making that cameo in the fucking awful Planet of the Apes remake. I only just recently forgave Marky Mark.

    I just watched the Fury with Kirk Douglas. He was like 60 and in great shape. That was a crazy movie. DePalma at his DePalmiest.

    Starring Caitlin Jenner and others like her, so technically…..

    I remember an episode from when I was a kid in which Schneider opened his refrigerator and it was stocked top to bottom with beer. I want to be Schneider.

    Several years ago some knowledgeable commenter (sorry, I would give credit but I just don't remember who you are) pointed out that Courtney Cox and Lisa Kudrow are about the same age now, as Rue McClanahan was when she started on the GG. My mind was blown.

    But if they'd sent bananas they'd be accused of racism.

    Ugh, there's another one they can cut. I can't stand her. But, that doesn't stop me from belting out "FAME! I'm gonna live forever!" Every time I see her.

    Because they live at the hospital. You know, because medicine is their LIFE. It always bugs me in any show where the protagonist is told, "Take a few days off. You need it." And they are like, no, I'm going to be here all day. What? I'd be gone so fast they'd get whiplash watching my ass get out of there. But then, I

    Hey now. Cut-it-out.

    "You know I'd from rags to riches!"

    Do you remember the house from a old, very short lived show hosted by James Coburn called the Dark Room? That house looked creepy as hell.

    It must have been before because isn't it to Beatty that Mr. Van Winkle says, "Drop that zero and get with the hero."?

    Or Rip Taylor! "You did it double o theven! Yay. (throws confetti all over)