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    No, this is best remembered for the masterpiece that is "Hanky Panky" by Madonna.

    I want to see these 2 previously unknown Moore and Connery films referenced. The article states they were each in 8 Bond films. Uh, what? 7 each unless I'm in a parallel universe, which, hell yeah!

    If Eastwood had been a respectable family man in Play Misty for Me instead of a single, scruffy, jazz playing DJ, maybe that movie would have been as well known. I like both.

    In a parallel universe, The Late Show with Robert Hays just concluded after many years on late night tv.

    Guess she'll have to go back to working at AT&T.

    I think maybe his death, like his life, wasn't as heroic as his kids THINK it was, and Mandy Moore (dammit, I can never remember her character's name) has kept this big, huge secret all these years. Which really makes her the martyr. Also, I said this last week, but I think Jack somehow chooses his best friend to

    Wasn't he on Stranger Things?

    He made her coffee every morning at 6:30 and brought it to her in bed. And then, gasp, one day he just doesn't want to. So, he's a selfish dick. How is this helping? So, so, so stupid. But here's my prediction: Jack didn't die necessarily suddenly. And he CHOSE Miguel for Mandy Moore. Sorry, forgot her characters

    And did you notice her husband was named George? I was way too excited about that and wishing Sherman Helmsley was still around.

    I fucking hate Duke so much that if she straight up murdered his cocky, condescending, arrogant ass, I would be totally fine with it and hope she had a really good alibi. Different network, but please call Annalise Keating.

    My theory on Duke is that he's there just so we can say, "We'll, Toby sucks, but at least he's not that asshole Duke." Oh my God, he's the male Janice (20 year old Friends reference) I fucking hate him.

    Oh yes, Bridges and Russell, for sure. Especially late 70's, early 80's. Basically because of King Kong and the Thing.

    Don't forget the sequel, U.S. Marshals! Um, on second thought, maybe you should.

    Mannix also had one of the coolest theme songs.

    I really want this now. Haha. Not only back story, but what is he up to 30 years later?

    He will always be Rick Simon to me. With him back in prime time and Tom Selleck on Blue Bloods, all of need is Fred Dryer to get a show and it'll be 1985 all over again.

    Was it? I don't know many that remember it at all. A lot remember Simon & Simon, but I figured Major Dad had kind of fallen through the cracks.

    If they do a flashback showing the Doctors' wife, I hope she is played by Shanna Reed. Only a few will understand the significance.

    Every time I read Connie Nielsen as Wonder Woman's mother, I think Connie Britton and think, "Oh, that'll be interesting." No offense, Connie Nielsen.

    I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where, uh, Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic