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    Maybe we can finally get that Biggs Darklighter movie!

    Ok he died in 94. But his last role was on 86. Hey, I'm the guy that thought James Earle Jones had died, so what the hell do i know?

    I don't know why, at this point, they wouldn't just get another actor to play Tarkin. If we can put up with fucking Hayden supplanting the original Annakin in Jedi I don't see anyone rioting over an actor that's been dead since, what, 1980?

    I actually found Spencer to be more likeable than previously. I mean, it was still a Dick move to backstab Rick like that, but before that, when he was asking Rosita out and flirting? Or whatever that was with that chick. Honestly, that's the kind of stuff they all could've been doing all along - groveling outwardly

    Mushy mushy.

    Like Pearl Harbor and Titanic? Taylor Swift can be involved after all - on the shitty ballad/soundtrack.

    I really wish Principal Vernon (actually the guy who played him) was in this. He could've played a better negotiator or whatever. (After consulting IMDB, it was Paul Gleason. Damn you 2006!)

    I guess I've seen Matt Foley/Tommy Boy one too many times, but I was honestly surprised more that the coffee table didn't collapse than I was by the heart attack.

    I have say it's kind of refreshing to read an actor saying of his, probably best known work, "Oh, it's ok. Nothing special. Not as good as Cheers or Frasier." I remember Wings very fondly thought it really was Must See TV at the time, but yeah, he's probably right - it wasn't the greatest thing on tv. But what a


    Get ya ass to Mas…get ya ass to Mas….get ya ass to Mas….
    When my buddy and I got into trouble in high school I used the alias Douglas Quaid. It didnt work and I got into even more trouble for "lying". But for a little while it was fucking glorious. He still calls me Doug Quaid.

    I'm like that with Breaking Bad. The highs, the lows, the empty hole in the floor where the money should be, the tinkling bell, Saul Goodman, Badger and Skinny Pete. Ah, fuck it, let's fire that sucker up again.

    I have to go with Weeds and Dexter. I loved both but I'm just not at all interested in watching either again.

    My brothers and I vividly recall watching a game in which the camera lingered on, I believe it was William "the Refrigerator" Perry, and Madden out of nowhere says. "How would you like to be a piece of cloth? And they come and strap that big 72 on you and you gotta be nervous." We still crack up at that and during

    Is that character named Kelly Meagan?

    I know where you're coming from. I hope a lot of people give a lot of money and she gets well, but hell, I'm barely making it from payday to payday. I can't give. But I wish I was in a place where I could give.

    And Bull sucks, too! - Ghost of Stanley Kubrick

    I mean, we all knew there was someone UNDER THE SHEET. They've been hyping it all season. What? Did you think it was the UPS man? A foreign exchange student who left his phone at the house? All of them are major characters. It didnt spoil anything.

    It's becoming more and more difficult to shock viewers, especially those of us who have been through "Who shot J.R.?", "The Moldavian Massacre" etc. But they really pulled it off. When Nate showed up at the Coroner's I was dumbfounded and literally could not think of another black male on the show. It just never

    Wow, I honestly thought he had died. My bad, Darth Mufasa.