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    When I realized that Lion King is basically Hamlet, it blew my mind. Also, Jeremy Irons could still do Scar, easily. Too bad James Earl Jones is deceased.

    Angela Lansbury is still alive and should do the voice of Mrs

    Everyone involved with Logans Run appreciates any kind of reference it can generate, I'm sure.

    I know you couldn't possibly ask him about every role, but I'd sure love to hear about Cape Fear. Oh, and maybe Nightwatch. But I'm probably the only one that remembers that one.

    You don't like, don't watch. Fuck you and this stupid, smug "review"

    Eh, kinda boring episode.

    If this was 1986 ok yeah. No, thanks.

    Fuck DeLuca. Karev should have just killed him and hid the body. Then he wouldnt be in trouble. Nobody would have missed the asshole anyway. Oh. I guess he would've had to off whats her name, too. Yeah, then he'd be like Dexter. Instead of getting rid of killers, though, he'd be relieving us of boring characters.

    Oh shit, I saw Burning Hell in church when I was a little kid. I'm thinking I was between 6 and 10, I don't remember. I do remember thinking that it really wasn't that scary. I had just seen Star Wars, and knew good production values.

    He should do the little monologue at the end of Knights in White Satin. You know the "Breathe deep the gathering gloom…" That would be awesome.

    I though for sure his album would be titled "WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?"

    Another show like this is Everybody Loves Raymond. Universally beloved by parents and grandparents back in the day, now totally forgotten. It only ended, what 10 or 12 years ago, so the nostalgia factor hasn't kicked in yet, but still, there are parallels.

    Don't be redikolos.

    Well, if she wants to follow in dear old dad's footsteps her shorts will be pretty short.

    Well, maybe she will wear Hawaiian shirts and really short shorts?

    Magnum didn't suddenly "man up" to take care of his kid. He didn't know about her and then when he found out, she was already living with her mom and stepdad. Then her mom was killed. You Magnum P.I. illiterate BASTARD!

    I believe it was Into Darkness, though it may have appeared in the first as well. It was a scene at Star fleet Command or Academy. They were all dressed up and Kirk puts on (very briefly) this military cap that just looked out of place in Star Trek. Now, Starship Troopers, ok.

    But Picard had a reason to hate the Borg. He overcame that impulse, but it didn't just pop out of nowhere.

    I like Abrams Trek fine, but the dress uniforms with the Nazi looking hats really freaked me out. I was like, "Patterns of Force?"

    Haha, you put Insurrection ahead of First Contact. Oh, you meant to do that? Highly illogical.