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    Fred G. Sanford (the G stands for groovy) and his Son disagree. And they have Quincy Jones to back them up.

    I just realized that ZMF has pulled an actual Zodiac,in that he's just disappeared into the mist. No communication from him in years just like the real Zodiac, Mother Fucker.

    Nick is the heart of the show? Nick? Oh, no,no, no. Nick is the hairy, smelly armpit of the show. WINSTON is the heart.

    Ah, but what of Jenny Jones? She always had the "You never looked at me in high school, but look at me now!" And of course the secret crush that eventually destroyed her show. She flew too close to the sun.

    Poor Dissolve never knew who his father was and now he's gone forever….forever

    Come on now, he always tells us to "take care of yourself….and each other." Isn't that enough?

    "William Shatner’s scenery-chewing as Captain Kirk allowed Nimoy to underplay."
    Allowed? He pretty much had no choice. You can't be more over the top than the Shat at his peak.

    This show is honestly the worst. Just so boring and stupid. I watch out of some morbid loyalty to the, not great, but at least interesting mother ship. Give me the goofy, but fun Strain any day. Bore the Walking Dead sucks.

    How is this song worse than Muskrat Love by the Captain and Tenille? Actually, there are a ton of songs I like less than We Built This City.

    You mean that asshole from Fashionable Male? He tried to screw my friend in a very uncomfortable place.

    Reading this makes me think about how I listen to music in that, when I was a kid (14-20's) it was all about new music. If it was a song from last year or even last month, nope heard it, moving on. As I got older, I discover that it's just the opposite. Ugh, what's this ? Never heard it before. Not interested. Click.

    I always go with Jaws and the original Bad News Bears. I can just smell the cut grass and cigarette smoke.


    Yknow a laugh track never bothered me. Some shows I could tell weren't in front of a studio audience but they still had the track. Like Andy Griffith, Gilligan, even MASH. (I'm not doing the fucking asterisks)

    But what does ol' Jack Burton say at a time like this?

    This is all just hype to make us all forget Paul Walker. I dunno, it's a theory - a conspiracy theory.


    If Chief Brody didn't exist, does Quint kill the shark? Maybe the Mayor does.

    I'll take Rodney Dangerfield in Little Nicky. I'm sure I'm the only one who's seen it, since it stars Adam Sandler, the AV Club's devil.