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    I'm curious about how pre-Good Wife Alicia acted without a job to go to every day. Was she this driven at being a stay at home mom? I'm not much on flashback episodes (maybe Lost burned me out) but I would like to see how she spent her days before Peter's incident.

    Yeah, are they really going to merge again? Yeesh! Now, I can understand Luca wanting to - she's a good lawyer and wants to get paid. But, it's déjà vu all over again.

    I disagree with this review in that I felt the case of the week was interesting and was attempting to say something about artistry and business.

    So, there should be a picture of Judge Joe Brown or that Texas Judge, or Judge Alex whatever his name is, or hell, Judge Reinhold. The article is about any TV judge. Stupid.

    Oh, ok. That's good. I honestly couldn't remember the new Friday.

    I seriously thought I read Connie Britton and was like, "Well, that should be interesting."

    Hey, Maniac Cop! Isn't that due for a reboot?

    Well, since it's a reboot it can't just reflect the first or third or whatever movie, it had to be ALL of them at once. That's what I don't like about reboots. If you want to talk disappointed how bout the Halloween reboot. Ugh, and was Mrs. Voorhees even mentioned in the Friday 13th reboot?

    Jackie Earl Haley was an inspired choice to replace Englund (if he had to be replaced, I'm not convinced he couldn't have returned to the role)

    Daddy do want some sausage?

    Barry's Sun/Moon sweater was awesome. I would buy one right now.

    What? No Jai Courtney? Shia Labouf? Justin Long? Thank fuck. But the whole idea is Stupid. Where's young Lando? Guzzling some Colt .45 with some fine foxes on the planet Smooth, no doubt.

    No Sprat - grade F!

    What I don't get is that even if Alicia had heard the original voice mail it changes nothing. The whole Georgetown scenario where she goes back and makes another choice has nothing to do with Eli erasing the message. Are they really trying to say that if Alicia had only heard that message she would've immediately left

    Yes. I'm surprised I had never seen it before. I really enjoyed it. The 70's were the zenith of cinema. And, Theresa Russell was so hot! Of course, M. Emmet Walsh was his usual asshole self (I'm sure he was awesome in real life) and a surprisingly touching/infuriating performance by Gary Busey. A forgotten gem. My

    Came here because I saw Straight Time with Dustin Hoffman and Harry Dean Stanton, which led me to look up Paris, Texas, which led me to Wim Wenders. The internet is an amazing rabbit hole.

    I'm sad about this because I am personally experiencing a bit of Robin resurgence. After banishing the Boy Wonder because of the corny 60's tv show and general uselessness of the character in the Superfriends, and other animated shows when I was a kid. And, of course, Nolan famously ignored him (almost) based on the

    Winston's "prank" on Nick - getting him on the sexual predator watch list - was so funny, I had to rewind.

    Very fun reading. But just consider that in some parallel universe, Dinosaurs is entering season 25 while the Simpsons was canceled in 1994.

    Wow. Good for him. I remember voting for him, partly just to piss off Simon, who always dissed him. I thought he just disappeared but hey, at least he can make a good living doing what he loves. Better than me.