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    The Brady Bunch may not be great television, but it has more memorable moments than just about any other show on history. Jan's broken nose, George Glass, Davy Jones, "When it's time to change…", the wig, when Peter lost Dad's important papers. I mean, I'm not even a diehard fan and that stuff has stuck in my brain

    I really don't care to read the article, but I would like to know how the original picture went from her fridge to this guy? Anyone willing to give the Cliff's notes?

    The funniest part of the Middle had to be poor Brick spinning the wheel only to have it land on his own name. "Dammit."

    Yeah as soon as I spotted that I said "Ohh, that's rare!" And my wife just looked rolled her eyes as I explained, then got a little miffed when I paused the show to tell her how Wrath of Khan was originally Revenge of Khan but they changed it when they heard the 3rd Star Wars was Revenge of the Jedi but Lucas decided

    The Countess has been around so long that she was one of Netflix's first customers.

    1 is great, 2 and 3 are good. What? There are 2 others? I've blocked them out of my memory. Fucking horrible.

    And include the "ghost" of the kid.

    Why? He and Clay Davis do favor each other. Lighten the fuck up.

    Whoops! You're right, it was Zach Morris. How ignorant of history I am!

    Sheeeiii….oh, wrong guy.

    Zach should have a "time out" in every show or movie he's ever in. Think how great NYPD Blue or Dead Man on Campus would've been with a quick aside from Zach Powers every few minutes.

    "As our 50th President, John F. Kennedy Jr. said 'We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.' And the Red Devil. But we're not going to fear either of those things."

    I don't know if this has been addressed by other commenters, but I think it's interesting to note the difference in the crappy movies we have today that try to link their lineage with Brooks. Disaster Movie, Vampires Suck, Tooken, so, so many others were made to cash in on a movie fad. Look at what Brooks parodied-

    It's FrankenSTEEN!!

    "Are we talking about number 1 or cocky doody?" "Balloons? No lower, the …woo woo."

    Really disagree with demerits for High Anxiety. I guess because I love Hitch so much, that film really makes me laugh. Korman and Cloris Leachman are great as the villains, Kahn again in the Grace Kelly/Eve Marie Saint role, Professor Lilloman (little old man), I could go on, but that was probably Brooks' last great


    I actually thought the True Detective/ Matthew McConaughay scene was hilarious and the highlight of the show.

    Love this song, but not the cover by Presidents of the U.S. on the Wedding Singer soundtrack. Millions of peaches thrown at their heads!
