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    When Harry Met Salley…is it fucking 1990? Was that Ellen Cleghorn?

    You know, I started out the summer watching this, the Whispers, and Extant. I gave up on all three well before their finales.

    I have to ask about Grandpa Hostel- what the fuck war is he talking about? He's Hispanic, right? Unless, this is taking place in a post-Trump America, is it cartel related, or what? I'm really serious. I don't get it.

    The return of Samwise doesn't get a mention? Well, it was a crappy flashback to a time none of us care about.

    I thought that was Hallmark. But, seriously, give Jennifer Beals something decent. She's a maniac, a maniac out on the floor, I tells ya. And she's hot still.

    Was Dr Bunson Honeydew and Beeker there?

    Remember his "impersonation" of Marlon Brando? Something something "Bananas!"

    Once I thought of it as horror/comedy and not a more reality based horror, I laughed a lot and enjoyed it. I feel like Nash's character, and her partner looking and acting (for the short time we saw her) almost identical was funny and a sly wink to other horror movies with similar characters. It's like they were

    What about a Marie spinoff? After Hank's death she embraces her inner shoplifter and becomes a full on cat burglar.

    Why not just hire David Spade for his Hollywood Minute?

    It may have been. I don't remember exactly, but I do find it interesting that the hockey mask and machete don't appear until the THIRD movie. I mean, those are iconic Jason accoutrements, and they don't show up until part 3?

    You know, I wanted to like that show based on how much I loved the original. But Stuart Townsend is too conventionally handsome. And they tried to make it an X-Files clone, teaming him with Gabrielle Union. Look at Darren McGavin. We need that character actor, kind of rumpled, older, kind of a loser, a loner. Any

    Anyone remember an old anthology series from the early 80's called the Darkroom? It was hosted by James Coburn, whose voice alone qualifies him for the job. It had some genuinely creepy episodes. Well, to 10 year old me, anyway. But I was looking at it on imdb and couldn't find the plot for the one I thought I

    High (Haute) Tension had an interesting take on the final girl. I admit I felt kind of ripped off and intrigued simultaneously when I first saw it.

    Shelly (a guy) from Friday the 13th part 3 died and it's implied that he's a lonely prankster prone to scaring girls to try to get them to like him.

    Love this show. It was a very versatile show that could be lighthearted action, darker (as highlighted in the article), and sometimes straight up comedic/fantasy. One I loved as a kid was when the Club was robbed and each character "remembered" the events in a way to make each of them the hero.

    Hopefully MacGruber 2 will address this.

    Hey, they predicted (or caused?) Lady Gaga.

    Was Dan actually "dead" by this point? Ugh never mind, I forgot that I was actively trying to block out the finale from my memory. One of the worst endings ever.

    Yes, I agree. He says the "questions" like he's so fucking smart, but hello, you are looking at the answers, asshole.