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    Did anyone else think of Buffalo Bill when Alana was talking to Chilton about the skin grafts? God, I would so love to see Fuller's Silence.

    I think Sheriff Andy Taylor would be very easy to work for. Also, I was going to say Sherman Potter, but Blake would be much cooler.

    Bob, is that you?

    Not as good as Grease 2, for what that's worth.

    I thought this guy changed his name to Patrick Wilson and started making horror films.

    Not sure why stand ups are expected to have hit tv shows. They are two different mediums. I think Jim Gaffigan is really funny, but I only watched 10 minutes of his tv show. On the other hand, I think Roseanne was a classic show, but I wasn't crazy about her act.

    Oh, I can't wait for the VMA's……to be over. Trying to watch Scream the tv show is hard enough without seeing Miley's tongue every five minutes.

    I almost didn't recognize Malik without his Patricia Arquette Medium wig. Suburgatory shout out.

    Holy shit this review sucked! The first half the writer droned on about nothing to do with the actual movie. He dissed Dalton's Bond performance. Dalton's Bond is the best Bond. And is just a general asshole.

    Boring. I want to like this so they better up their game for second ep. I seriously fell asleep.

    The only thing I remember seeing this actress in is Cool Hand Luke. She played Luke's mother but was only 11 years older than star Paul Newman.

    All those shows back then did. Remember when Steve Urkel was just the annoying neighbor that you would see just a couple of times?

    Yes, but I remember when Fonz became a teacher or something at night school. Man, my little kid heart was crushed that one of my idols was going to just be a boring teacher. I think he even threw away the leather jacket. Of course, in reality this is growth, but kids want everything to stay just the same.

    Ted McGinley killed Happy Days the way he killed Love Boat and Married, With Children.

    Sit on it, Jaws!

    What a terrible season finale. The threat to expose Hobb was so lame, I was floored when he calls up his evil doctors and is like, "Ok, let em go." What? And his plan is dumb. I personally wouldn't want a feeling robot. I would feel bad about asking them to pick up my underwear and such. Do they still have to be

    "The safe word is WHiskey."

    Originally, George was to be played by Larry, the Cable Guy.

    Hamm as Reed Richards is so good, I don't know why nobody else is demanding this.

    Kid of the 70's/80's here and yeah, along with Star Wars, the Six Million Dollar Man, and Herbie the Love Bug, Benjy was basically required viewing.