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    But did you see Star Trek scenes set to "Call me, Maybe"? Now, that was a true classic.

    I heard she was a maniac, a maniac, out on the floor.

    I think the highest compliment I can pay to season 2 is that it kind of makes me want to rewatch season 1. Let's get that coffee brewing! Season 1 put me to sleep, is what I'm saying. Oh, and I really do want a season 3.

    I knew it! Robert Blake was innocent. It was Fred.

    The show might be the greatest ever, I have no idea, but the title stinks. Imagine the Peggy and Pete spinoff, Respect the Mad Men, or the Badger/Skinny Pete starring Beware Breaking Bad. It's just dumb.

    Yes! Love Street Legal. Changing of the Guards, Señor, what's not to love?

    I know I'm supposed to find Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and hell, even Clerks 2 superior to Mallrats, but dammit, Mallrats is hilarious. I have no deep, philosophical reasons, I just prefer it to anything else Smith has produced.

    Yeah, let's not be glib.

    Rocky 3 has Eye of the Tiger and Rocky 4 has No Easy Way Out. This alone makes those films worthy of all praise and honor.

    "Yo mama!" - Jinx

    I remember laughing out loud (with the rest of the audience) when McCoy says, "I'd give real money if he'd shut up."

    Yeah but Stacey's Mom really does have it going on.

    The Way by Fastball, Closing Time by Semisonic, Sex and Candy..all of these are better songs.

    This was the first version of Superman that focused on Clark. Usually Clark is just that mild mannered guy Supes pretends to be, but the whole point of this Friends era superhero story is the relationship. She's just as important to each ep as he is, which is weird for a Superman vehicle. Haven't seen it in years

    Carl has become a legitimate badass. I think I would follow him over his old man. Zach is like Cousin Oliver, that fucking red headed kid from the last season of Diffrent Strokes, and arrogant, know it all Wesley from early seasons of ST: Next Gen. all rolled into one annoying, asshole kid. I guess I hate him.

    I get like that with the copy machine at work. If I could have a fight club with that thing…..

    This is actually one of the few Christmas songs I like. This and Last Christmas by George Michael. I know, I know. What can I say?

    Motherfuck..all this time I thought it was the same guy.

    Nice! And who do you see as Steed? Wow, since this came up I'm much more interested in this than what, Cap vs Iron man or whatever.

    Maybe his sister is Marge? I defer to the Simpsons scholars on whether a sibling has ever been mentioned.