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    I'm not a usual viewer of Grey's Anatomy (my wife is) but the actress that plays Patrick Dempsey's sister is great casting. She looks just like a female Dempsey.


    I thought this was going to be about the short-lived, Macguyer-esque tv show of the late 80's, starring David Rappaport. My brother and I still say, "Nothing's impossible!" In a sort of half whisper in reference to this show. http://youtu.be/na9_tBeDTK0

    Maybe I was just in a generous mood, but I kind of liked it. I've seen a lot worse.

    Yeah, if that is a supervillain power then the old, shitty whatever are the heroes? What the fuck ever. This guy seems like an asshole.

    Great pilot. I was instantly hooked. I'm just waiting for a great Blade Runner-ish speech: I've seen things you peoplewouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain… Time to

    The last several weeks this show will be over and I'll think, "What, already? That was fast." That is a sign that I'm really into a show. I admit, last season there were some episodes that I struggled through. It's like reading a book assigned to you instead of reading a book you are actually interested in. Well,

    Duck Hunt is the one person shooter they've been looking for.

    Agreed 100%. Blofeld trilogy would be great.

    I'd love to see some of the older, sillier Bond movies (Live and Let Die, Man with the Golden Gun, You Only Live Twice, Moonraker) remade closer to the novels. Don't get me wrong, I love those movies. But I think they could be remade.

    Mad Men and Breaking Bad didn't have great numbers either, but it would've helped if Hannibal had some love from the Emmys. By the way, what the fuck is wrong with the Emmys!!?? How in hell this show isn't recognized is just a travesty. Very sad about this. We should eat NBC's chief.

    If ya want to get down on these hairy balls,
    then why don’t you jump right in?
    Its a crotch party right up in here,
    sp why don’t you lick on this big john"-Dale Doback

    Yippee Kai yay, Mr Falcon!

    First thing I remember seeing this guy in was Hard to Kill. Steven Seagall punched his teeth out.

    Oh wow. That's great! She was so good in Predestination. As soon as I read that I thought, Yep, that's it. Good one!

    I've probably said before on this site, and others may have too, but God, Mikkelson makes me forget all about Anthony Hopkins. I'm ready for a straight up remake of Silence of the Lambs with this cast. But who to play Agent Clarice Starling?

    And he doesn't have the chanc to rap/narrate a cool Michael Jackson song.

    This was quite a negative review. And it is earned. I tried to watch Mortdecai this past weekend. If anything, the review is generous. I really wish Depp had started to quote Austin Powers. At least that would have been interesting. Paltrow looked good. That's all I got. A movie about Jock would have been much

    Somehow I'm not surprised you failed to ask about his star turn in Billy Madison "Well, "sorry" doesn't put the Triscuit crackers in my stomach now, does it Carl?

    No love for Hanky Panky? I keed, I keed.