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    "Nightmare on nerd street." - gordon

    I remember that! Pruitt Taylor-Vince played an escaped con in a late season ep of Miami Vice, too. Just FYI. Great, now I got the Too Many Cooks theme going through my head.

    Nobody is going to say Die Hard With a Vengeance? (As most call it Die Hard 3) the last, great Die Hard movie. Fuck A Good Day to Die Hard and Live Free or Die Hard. The franchise actually ends with Willis and the, at the time versatile Samuel L. Jackson (right on the heels of his performance as Jules in PF) versus

    Back when Teri Hatcher was literally the most downloaded celebrity on the internet. Until Cindy Margolis? showed up.

    I read that Goldeneye was supposed to feature the last Bond, Timothy Dalton. That really would have been great to see him face off with Judy Dench and Sean Bean. Also, it gives M's complaint at the beginning of the film that Bond is an anachronistic, sexist dinosaur, a bit more heft.

    Aside from, as you mentioned, nobody looking down at their phones (beepers, maybe) in 95. I don't remember pay at the pump being everywhere yet. Of course, just the internet itself is just everywhere. But think of all the Blockbusters! And Sam Goody's! And unless you lived in Seattle, you couldn't find as many

    I'm actively trying not to think too hard with this show. I don't want the ending spoiled even by my own theories. But I really wish Ethan would do something crazy like just blow away Nurse Pam or the snarky secretary or even the little psychiatrist. I'm getting kind of frustrated but next week looks like we'll get

    I remember Carter Country!! One of the cops went on to be Matlock's assistant, right?

    When I was a kid we had no cable, no satellite, and it was just 4 channels. Fox was brand new and aside from Tracy Ullman, 21 Jump street and Married With Children, all they played were old movies. One particular we loved: Superfuzz. Some of you probably know it involved a policeman who gained superpowers from a

    Jerry should have been off stage yelling "Tippytoes! Tippytoes!" to get Jason to shut up on that story.

    It's pretty good from what I remember, right? Although very dated.

    I went through a Michael Crichton phase in the 90's when I read a bunch of his novels: this, Sphere, Andromeda Strain, Rising Sun, even A Case of Need, which used a pen name. His work was both entertaining and informative. I always felt like I had learned something after reading one of his books.


    They mostly come out at night, mostly.

    The last not quite half of Aliens is why I still am mad at Alien3

    I've heard of me tv but I can't get it with Directtv.

    I don't know much about Hot in Cleveland, not going to bash or praise, but I miss the old TVLand where I could see Mannix, A-Team, and Maude all on the same day. Now they have a half dozen older shows that they play ALL THE TIME. I know they use to have access to stuff like Barney Miller and Dynasty. Why do they

    You know, I always thought Jennifer Grey was in this, but that (after some research) was "It's Like, You know

    I thought Armie Hammer was playing Trevor.

    This article reminded me of why I never watched this show: not that it sounds bad but it was on during A-Team. I pity those fools. But seriously, those three really are the weakest from MASH. It's like what if Mayberry RFD starred Howard, Emmett and Goober….oh, right. Well, at least they brought in Vincent from Mamas