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    Yes, I love all those. The eighties rule!!!

    Yes, but he didn't actually "run the series" so wait until the last movie is actually watched before you write about it. That's the whole point.

    After the iconic Coke ad, Don went on to write the anti-litter/crying Indian psa, the Big Brother/Apple ad of 1984, and the "Waassup!" masterpiece from Budweiser.

    Forced, unfunny comedy. Phil and Luke on the stage was painful. It's a tired show that should be put out of our misery. But Sofia is hot. And next year we will be able to make (Ariel) Winter is coming jokes.

    What is it that makes something dated? I love when I hear someone I know that refuses to watch a movie from the 60's or 70's but enjoyed Argo, or Zodiac.

    Rooney or Roark?

    Pretty sure Lucas has them securely hidden away in his beard.

    We can rebuild him. We have the technology. Better. Stronger. Faster." That still gives me chills.

    Too bad Street Legal came out in 78. Changing of the Guards would be cool. Or Señor. Just cuz that song kicks ass.

    I would love to see the Lester/ Kalinda show. Inconceivable!

    Ohh, so many nominations for greatest 80's song. What could it be? Final Countdown? Thriller? (Nah, not Halloween) Pour Some Sugar on Me? Livin on a Prayer?

    Holy shit! I remember this. It also starred James "Danno" MacArthur of Hawaii Five-0. My dad was a Vietnam vet that didn't care for MASH.

    I shan't rest until we are given more Mr. Belvedere! Or Hangin with Mr. Cooper, whichever comes first.

    Good finale and all but what I really wanted was a follow up on the agent and secretary that described King of Comedy as a "Jerry Lewis movie." And I wanted a reaction shot of the two of them right after the movie is over.

    Yes. My wife started watching this show when it started, so I've picked up most of it at least by osmosis, but some (like the lone gunman wandering the hospital halls) I actively enjoyed. She was a wreck last night, but I think she would prefer him die than cheat. Between his death and the guy on Downton Abbey, she's

    Imagine how pissed Henry will be if dad has an affair with his dream woman?

    That's the sequel.

    The Incredible Hulk was a mash up of the Fugitive (also formulaic) and Jekyll/Hyde. But as a kid, that show was awesome. We lived for the two times Hulk actually appeared. But I will say that Bixby was a great Banner. He was a better actor than the material deserved. As for Flash, I surprisingly don't remember too

    Have no idea about this guy, but I thought it said KURT Russell. I'm sure that would've made it more interesting.

    Any thoughts on "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack ending the episode?