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    I really want a Sal upstate. After all these years, where is that guy? What's he up to? Heck, bring back Paul for an episode? I'm feeling nostalgic.

    David Hasselhoff

    Actually how bout Sofia Vergara as She-Hulk? Yowza!

    Chris Reeves' Superman is the best comic book movie ever. It's plot resolution (making the earth spin backwards) is both ridiculous and absolutely what a mid 70's Superman comic would have done.

    Can't Tobey McGuire just play ALL the Avengers? And, Sam Rockwell can play all the villains. Then they can have a dance-battle.

    Ok so I followed this movie very well up to the idea that "they" that is, future humans placed the wormhole so Coop, Brand, etc could fly into it. I'm not a sticker for plot holes, especially in a Nolan movie. And I can get behind the tesseract, and Gargantua being invented or placed or whatever by future us. But the

    Massive Head-Wound Harry

    I can't believe this article doesn't go into more detail of the composition of "Love Ninja." It has a little "Livin on a Prayer" in its DNA. Was that "Break the neck of your heart" I heard? That's gold!

    Wait, tapes are back? Dammit, I gotta find my box. I know it's stashed in the garage somewhere. Oh, and my very first cd - Led Zeppelin 4

    That's really good. Not sure if it's true, but it makes sense and I guess we'll see next season. I like this interpretation a lot. As a Lost fan, I'm used to great theories not working out.

    What characters that we know and like? Hamlin? Pass. Chuck? Uh no thanks. Mike? Ok, I'm with you there. But he already had a great backstory. I actually really liked the Kennedy con. Yeah we knew where it was going, but I could say the same thing of the classic movie The Sting. It's the journey. Jimmy's decision to

    Oh my god, that Chicago Sunroof speech had me laughing out loud. Classic Saul

    I watched the last episode of the previous season as a refresher before this one aired. I gotta tell you, I'm a little worried about Don. He sees Bert's ghost singing and dancing around and now he's seeing Rachel. Is it a tumor?

    Fantastic read. Great insight.

    I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about Noel now. Cuz maybe he's gonna be the one that saves me…. You know what- I can't sing a bit but I have always been curious/obsessed with lyrics. Of course it's the music that you hum, but before you could google, I had the damnedest time trying to figure out song

    I just spit my tranya reading that. I just love random ST quotes.

    Oops, I googled it and Cost of Living is indeed the sucky ep I was referring to.

    That one wasn't as bad as the Alexander/Lawaxanna Super Team-up. Ugh god, I can't remember it very well but it sucked.

    I would ad Halt and Catch Fire to this list. Instead of 60's let's do the 80's. Instead of advertising, let's do personal computers. Instead of Jon Hamm, let's have Lee Pace. Sounds promising but it's really quite boring. I really want to like it, but it is difficult.

    I'm just wondering what TGW would have looked like if Will Gardner hadn't died? I mean, if the actor playing Wil hadn't decided he wanted out, do you think the Kings had a very different ending season in mind. Assuming next season is the end, of course. Somewhere, in a parallel universe, the Good Wife is a different