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    Hey, I liked Sphere!

    Sprat rules.

    Fuck this guy. Led Zeppelin rules. The end.

    I've never seen Superman as a "super hero" movie. I think it was made to capitalize on the late 70's fascination with the 1950's. Happy Days, Lavern and Shirley, Grease, American Grafitti-there are probably others I'm forgetting, but you get the picture. Boomers were young children on the 50's which is when they were

    Y'know, I sat down last night and turned on El Rey (or I guess I rode with El Rey) to watch an episode of the X-Files. Half of it was great and then all of a sudden, Mulder's sister returns?! and it got boring. When it originally aired, I lived for that kind of stuff but now I just want to see the creep of the week.

    I didn't realize the post Super Bowl spot was a "thing" all the way back in '83. 12 year old me LOVED the A-Team. I watched a couple of years ago. Wow, does not really hold up. Now, Magnum, PI and Miami Vice? Still awesome!

    So, is Thor going back to being a guy or is he/she a girl? Speaking of, they changed Thor, not to mention Nick Fury all of a sudden, without any Secret War. Why not just keep doing that? What's the point?

    If my kid invited someone over to my house and they started dissing my way of life, job, political beliefs, whatever, etc, I would blow up too and tell them they could leave and we're not come back. He's actually putting up with a lot more than most people would.

    Wrong. Bunting is the worst. Who goes to someone's house as a guest and purposely pisses them off? Not only the host but other guests that they don't even freakin know? That woman aggravates the shit out of me.

    I don't remember the 12 Monkeys film enough to compare/contrast with this show, but what I saw of it last night I loved! Granted, some of that excitement may be due to lowered expectations: I read saw another pan the other day. It was fun, exciting, and (so far, at least) unpredictable. Better than Helix, at least.

    I laughed at mini-Bev and especially mini-Murray probably way more than I should, but man, that was so unexpected and funny. I really thought Bev was going to "introduce" him to Laney and then he would balk because his mother approved of her yadda yadda. This was much funnier.

    Hey, I'm watching Over the Top right now and I say a hearty "Fuck You," Rabin.

    Whoa, I just realized that Head of the Class is like a mirror-image of Welcome Back, Kotter.

    "RAJ! Dee's being mean to me again!" C'mon Rerun, we have to meet Dwayne down at Rob's. Shirley has something for ya.
    "Hey, hey,hey"
    Dwayne, I thought we were meeting at the diner…
    Well, I really don't know where that was going.

    Where is Kenny Rogers when you need him? He knows when to hold em and when to fold em, dammit!

    The real question for me is: Can Ryan Murphy somehow, someway get Malcolm Jamal Warner to say "Jammin on the One."? Lame request, I know. I just know my wife got annoyed because I kept saying " Hey! It's Theo" and What do you say at a party? Jammin on the one! If only he could get the Cos himself to guest as a

    I think I saw this on tv, but it didn't really stand out. But this article really made me think about how holiday movies exist in a weird bubble. I can't remember the last musical I watched, but I'll be watching White Christmas in a few weeks, like I do every year. Same thing for black and white movies from the 40's.

    I kind of liked the hospital stuff. The backstory was hinted at but not totally explained, like Hemingway's iceberg. More info, and the world they built would fall apart, but the stuff we heard reminded me of Star Trek's Mirror Universe.

    The funniest part was Damon Wayan's polite Englishman having sex. I really miss Happy Endings.

    I thought Grumpy cat was a male.