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    I've been against her running for office the entire season. She's become less and less likable as a character as this season progresses and I really hope Niles takes her down.

    The only Mr. Belvedere I remember is the one where Wesley made a puppet (muppet?) of Mr. Belvedere. 12 year old me thought it was frickin hilarious. Does it stand up?

    Jammin on the one!

    As a kid, I always mixed up Mrs. Kotter with Bailey from WKRP. Both hot.

    There was a war on poverty in the 60's. It failed miserably. Government isn't the answer.

    I've never seen Family Plot. I knew that DePalma was heavily influenced by Hitch, but I didn't realize he lifted his look for Dr. Eliot's alter ego straight from this movie.

    I hope that the last scene of Spielberg's last film is of a shooting star.

    I don't understand the misogynist complaints? Isn't it sexist to imply that a woman can't be a screwed up, psycho killer but a man can?

    Well Ben Matlock and Perry Mason think this show is super realistic for a law show.

    This article just convinced me to watch The Conversation and Enemy of the State again. I haven't seen either in a long time and never made the connection.

    If they would do away with actual commercials, which I skip using my wonderful dvr that comes with my subscription to Direct TV, I would be fine with it. (Ok, Direct TV, was that ok? Can you just take it off my bill?)

    Dukes of Hazzard, Knight Rider, A-Team, Riptide, Airwolf, Magnum P.I., CHIPS- the list is just too long and I can't possibly pick just one. I also loved original Trek and original Hawaii 5-0

    I guarantee you this will star Melissa McCarthy. I'm not saying it should, but it will. Oops, sorry Khmer Stooge- didn't see ya there.

    Sarah Hyland is the one who said it. Don't you think she would have declined to deliver those lines if she thought they were offensive? Lighten up.

    Alice, kiss my grits! I used to watch Alice religiously when I was a kid. It came on after school. I didn't know she would be on this episode and I haven't seen her on anything in years, yet I recognized her instantly. I think both Flo (Polly Holiday) and Mel (Vic Tayback) have died and now I'm sad.

    🎵29 days till Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. 29 days till Halloween. Silver shamrock!🎵

    Yeah, after all the back and forth, will they, won't they, clandestine whispering meetings between Cary and Alicia season before last on leaving the firm, this exit of 7 or 8 lawyers was just, "Ok, we're going now. See ya." Kind of weird.

    Holloway should play Crockett in that Miami Vice reboot that will never happen. Oh, and Terence Howard should be Tubbs.

    Oh yeah! For some reason I was thinking John Ross. Totally forgot about JR's other kid. Haha

    I don't know why I hadn't thought of this before, (probably because I don't think about Step By Step) but the guy that played Cody? also played John Ross in either the later year Dallas eps or one of the TV movies. Also, certainly I'm no tv historian, but would any of you say that J.R., the villain everyone loved,…