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    Don't think I ever said I really, really like it. But I think we've found your vocation: album reviewer.

    Yes, I get my information from the top LMFAO

    For those that are actually spinning it and enjoying it, I did an alternative tracklist to cut off the excesses, namely the #wah wah wah fart# and "when we sex…".

    Critically examine fine. Whining like a lil b*tch that it's not Silent Alarm like most reviews I've read then not fine. That's the point I was trying to make. Seriously, go out and read some of them, f*ckin ridiculous "objectivity".

    I wondered that too. It's weird to me, but apparently there's a lot of love for Intimacy out there. Seen a few others saying it's their fave.

    if they'd left AWITC instrumental it would have rivalled anything Mogwai did.Those compositions are really astounding, exactly what they always wanted to do, rock merged with every other style, post-rock basically. as it stands, the lyrics are a bit clunky. less is more sometimes, everyone knew what he meant when he

    yeah maybe. they are now: "Kele and Russell professionally known as Bloc Party". But then again, someone told me: how do we know this was not always the case? After all they formed the band and Gordon and Matt auditioned, same with Justin and Louise.

    Seriously? Tonight FF was awful and was rightly panned. Everyone was disappointed at the blandness and on RTRWRA as well. The only way they survived was by merging with Sparks. Guess what, weird, proggy electro music. The only ones I can think of that made it alive were the Arctic Monkeys and Suck it and see was

    Oh yeah, and if you listen to the track by track podcast, Russell is more obsessed with ethereal, electronic, weird sounds. Wants to push himself and his guitar. Kele just don't feel the rock scene anymore but more ambivalent, feels all the innovation is happening elsewhere.

    Potato, potahtoh. If they'd continued U2 indie rock, you and others would have called them "landfill indie" by 2010. Happened to nearly all the post-punk revival bands, including Franz who were faultless their first two years. It was just that, a scene, a moment in time. The music scene changed fast into Rnb, pop,

    Because apparently people had massive boners for Tong 4 times. And they lost all sense of perspective and called the band dead. Don't get me wrong, he was pretty good but had no part in the songwriting, song structure or sound evolution. If anything Gordon's musicianship is a bigger loss if we're quantifying.

    Well, good luck to youse. You're missing out on some cracking musical experiences in general.

    True, but tell me just how hard it would be to replace someone so singular as Kele or Russell. 100 times more. Does anyone remember Mike Joyce? Not really, good drummer but it was the Morrisey/Marr show. Again 2 very unique people. Plus Louise looks the part and has a wider range of "drum bashing", jazz, classical

    Enjoy your guitars-and-cocks-and-the-same-chords rock. I prefer something that tries to push the boundaries of the band medium.

    What about OHCHM, So Real, Different Drugs, Virtue, even Eden on the deluxe. Bad album? Come off it. From someone who likes Primal Scream, I would have expected some kudos for a band trying to evolve and innovate.

    May be. What about OHCHM, So Real, Different Drugs, Virtue, even Eden on the deluxe. Bad album? Come off it.

    Actually went back to listen Silent Alarm properly. Did all these reviewers and people posting not listen to Blue Light or Plans or Compliments. Hymns is not exactly alien.

    TOO TRUE. Download the instrumentals, just astounding. Basically they recorded the album and Kele went back to do the vox. Took it too far.

    So for you and many others a drum basher makes a whole band? Just ridiculous.

    YAY WOO Helicopter. Grow up! And this is from somebody who plays it many times a day. I also enjoy bands exploring, experimenting, moving on. Execution may not always hit but you still appreciate the effort of trying to make forward thinking music and hope that it hits properly in the future.