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    That's what I thought too before but after listening to the whole thing and the track by track rundown they did, definitely not. In fact, they've left out some of the more Kele songs.

    So for you and many others a drum basher makes a whole band? Just ridiculous.

    THIS, they do have an interest though. It's just they don't have an interest at dealing with the scene and the people that come with it. Read some interviews. They love 80's and 90's rock.

    So for you and many others a drum basher makes a whole band? Just ridiculous. People love living in the past.

    Seriously, reading some the reviews, it's like someone sh*t over their copy of SIlent Alarm and their teenage years. The reviewers are breaking up with the grown up Bloc Party. Boo hoo. Noone is taking away Helicopter and Banquet. They're just experimenting and branching out rather than playing the same chords.