
Jeff Dunham fans. Sigh. Where are those Death Panels Obama promised?

In Wild Thing's defense, that 8-year old WAS acting mighty pussy-ish.

Must. Not. Laugh. So. Hard. At. This.

I am surprised I had to go this far down the thread for this. There are many correct answers, but this one is mine. Also, it's yours.

I thought they were pretty clear this was only for minorities?

Never Nude?

The original title of "Adam Won't Sandler Without Saying He Will Won't Not Probably Host Something But Not SNL Doesn't" really threw me off.

Throw in some Spiderman-esque wrist launchers and you have yourself an investor, sir!

Imogen Cocoa-stains?

I wanted to see your Jewtopia, but now I see it is more of a Fruitopia - S. Hawking

Impossible! That Duke Silver is one baaaaad mother

X-Men! Wait. I don't think I'm doing this right.

I've said this many times - when I vote against Republicans, I vote against my own (tax) interests, but I do it I simply can't support 99% of their social policies, programs and shenanigans. Until they take their foot off gays, women's vajines and you know, being anything but pro-Jesus… they can't have the moderate,

Perhaps…. too clever.

"Meat" means two things!

I just checked the internet. Apparently there are SEVERAL men interested in the sex lives of lesbians.

Do the swim fins slow you down, for the running bits?

Doug McClure. Do I remember him from "They Came to Burgle Carnegie Hall"?

"Tor Johnson as 'The Beast'? That's just good casting."

Until we get an update on "Rod Torfelson's Armada, featuring Herman Menderchuck", I just can't make myself care.