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    This was honestly one of the most pathetic segments for such a historic election. Saying "OH LOOK AT WHAT GOOF AND DUMMY THERESA MAY IS" doesn't cut it for the biggest electoral fuckups in modern history. Not only did she destroy a 20 point lead in a few weeks, leading to the biggest election swing since 1945, she

    I'm betting those fans are boring and useless and feel a connection with one of their own.

    As someone who hated Full House as a small child, I can finally get the true hate watch I always wanted.

    It means realize, people are still in denial because of how devastating it is and, just like the prequels it will take some time before people realize just how bad it was.

    It's probably worth a watch but it is pretty bad, I genuinly think defenders are still going through something akin to early Phantom Menace denial.

    Season 2 was the equivalent of the Star Wars prequels, if it hasn't hit yet it will in a few years when people try to re-watch it.


    That's literally what the originals were…and I'm talking about a realistic tone for the space opera.

    The things that bothered me outside of rehashing New Hope (and no it's not just some classic formula, Empire wasn't a rehash at all) was that it lacked a sense of "realism" in executing the concepts. Yes its a series about space wizards and laser swords but I'll be damned if the originals were not one of the most

    I thought she was going to be a very idealistic and morally crusading in a chaotic universe but that kind of stopped as soon as she left Jakku.

    Glad to be the 69th like and that scene was great but it did feel kind of hallow by the end, hopefully they'll manage to make the sequels better.

    To some extent, hopefully there will be an explanation in the next film but it's not really explained in this one.

    *cough* Josh Trank *cough* Ridley can't even remake his own movies well.

    Anyone know that song that plays in the background when Mobley and Darlene at a bench?

    I think Gavin is more likely to take PP and Richard has to unseat him with Big Head's help but the Houthi analogy is great.

    His execution is a bit off but the idea is a good parody of the faux-spiritualism and constant ego supply for CEOs. Basically anything that tells rich people their "sprititalism" is bullshit I think is a good thing.

    Tbh I thought he was a great character but a subpar lawyer, a good lawyer would have figured out that the contracts were unenforceable, plus his "Big Head-wasn't-necessarily-smart" defense doesn't really work even if it was effective.

    That or they indirectly make an illegal agreement with other tech companies, something which was prosecuted recently against Apple and Google.

    Jesus Christ Kumail is tearing it up.

    I thought Monica was her own board member from her choosing to invest early, not a proxy for Raviga. Plus didn't Raviga disinvest when Russ took over making it purely Monica's shares?