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    My first reaction was "no way" given the history with Gregory but with Laurie not having that history it's actually very possible.

    There's no limit to how much Modern Family needs to go fuck itself.

    On the bright side we'll have Halt and Catch Fire, unless it continues to be like the god-awful dogshit S1 finale.

    He has a thing for playing neurotic, unconfident guys though

    Yeah it seems like it, she was the only one who knew about it and Raviga only has 2 votes.

    Anyone notice the Jobs-Gates analogy? Richard gets kicked out of his own company after making a visionary product and it seems inevitable that Hooli will collaborate with PiedPiper to get their platform to work, much like infamous Microsoft "bailout" of Apple (except the other way).

    It's interesting to see just how much they "succeeded by failing" rather than "fail[ing] by succeeding":
    - Breaching contracts by hiring Jared allowed them to win the case.
    - Screwing up the porn transfer gave them a plausible cover to delete.
    - (Spoiler?) Not having the guy drink his piss didn't overload their

    "Edward George Skrein aka The Dinnerlady P.I.M.P. is an English rap musician and actor."

    Can Jimmy still get Chuck committed? Because if so, there is an unholy revenge on both him and HHM awaiting.

    I bet he can squirt.

    Should I feel bad that these comments are how I learned that Neitzshe stole from Schopenhauer?

    I think South Park was aiming at the books, which seem pretty equal in the wieners to boobs ratio.

    I think attorney-client privilege is suspended if the attorney is suspected of a crime themselves (and it's only for that crime, not one for a client that is unrelated). In this case they can suspend it for Will and Alicia regarding the election but ironically the NSA wiretapping on Alicia/the firms for Bishop is

    Oddly realistic except for how Eric Bogosian showed her the tape without also indicting/subpoening since Alicia can now lawyer up for the case (although without the reveal her challenges would basically be insurmountable at this point).