Pedro de Pacas

Diggle just wants to shoot some third worlders. Nothing like the chain of command to clear the conscience.

Digg just looks like an asshole and an idiot. He's in trauma from killing his brother, so he abandons his family to join the army?

Original timeline: How could you not tell me you had a son which you just found out this afternoon and this is the first time I'm seeing you since???

They should have let the nukes fall, and pull a Total Recall fade to white as Barry resets the timeline.. Now that would have been a season finale.

I also can't understand why the writers made Felicity look completely incompetent as the CEO of PalmerTech. When the board took it away from her, it just seemed like the only sane option.

Guys, how can you compare the two… This episode was barely competent.

And he kept getting his ass whooped.

See the previous episode. The one that robbed this finale of all momentum.

Guys, fucking with the timeline is what comics is all about. You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

The show would have been much better off if they discovered Italia Ricci as Siobhan Smythe earlier… She was great, and the less happening at the D.O.D., the better.


I do not understand all the Flash Season 2 hate… As fantastic as season one was, it didn't really take off until episode 9. And that finale was just next level. People need to keep their expectations in check.

Last episode's Smoak Family Reunion was a decent epsisode, but completely robbed this middling finale of any momentum of a frigging nuclear bomb dropping on tens of thousands of people.

When you're a Queen, you grow accustomed to spending small fortunes on candles.

For sure. And honestly, I would be fine if Sara and Snart became Wolverine and Storm style fuck buddies… Just this romance, googly eyed stuff is a bit much for the characters, at least at this stage.

Snart is asexual. He's cold, baby!

Yoh, that nun. I hate.

I'm an X-Men and J. Law fan, but even I know she's too good for this…

Today's fanboys don't know how good they have it… Back in the 20th Century, we were just happy if they got the character's name right and dressed them in the right color.

I was so happy in that moment but they dashed my hopes. I was ready to give Rip his (entirely undeserved) bittersweet ending with his spirit family, but they had to let the little shit live…