Pedro de Pacas

That reminds me of Zack Snyder's Watchmen, where I realised something was very wrong when all the action sequences were in slow-motion and highly sensationalised. It just missed the tone and intention of the source material.

Because these people watch shows with a critical mind. It is possible to like something without being a complete Stan *ahem*.

Oh Mama Grizzly you so crazy

As evil as Reverse-Flash & Co. are, Original Flavour Rip was the only character I actually wanted to see dead.

What-? Agents Of SHIELD was pretty quantifiably the worst, at least well into Season 3. I just couldn't take it anymore.


The Flash is now a fridge.

Barry has a problem with…speed. He just doesn't want this relationship to move too… fast.

"The Killer Frost of Earth-2 delighted in her villainousness…"

1940s Africa wasn't the middle of colonialism - but more importantly, they dressed like everyone else in the 40s.. If not, traditional clothing. Her Sandy from Grease make over was too soon.

I think access to full series runs on DVD and streaming have changed audience expectations. Back in the day, we rarely caught the first episode of long-running series, and we were fine with jumping in mid-point. Same for comic book readers.

I was being facetious. My point was, being the first female board member of a company like Walmart is a dubious distinction.

You must be a big Leni Riefenstahl fan.

I'd like to think Garth Ennis would stay true to his art, and rather blow both of his legs off with a shotgun.

It's Felicity's leather-and-shiny-things superhero coat.

Whoever was working the wires that day was on point.

I LOLed hard when the camera panned over the ever expanding island graveyard. She was important, Oliver buried her next to his father.

I think you guys have just been pummeled into submission by the sustained mediocrity of AoS.

Only 3900

Someone competent.