Pedro de Pacas

The Question was created by Steve Ditko… He was a Randian nutcase long before Frank Miller got his hands on him.

My personal head canon, although the story would support this - Rip Hunter's team are all from the same point in *his* past, and his only interest is to change *his* 2166 - and he doesn't give a fuck about the people of 2178 who will be living under a Thanagarian invasion - and anything his team would do to change

rist rist rist rist rist rist

With the Metapocalypse epicenter at the Central City Hellmouth that is CC Jitters, they're probably gonna need some new baristas…

When Rip told Sara if she tried to go back and save her sister, not only would Laurel die but herself and her father, I wanted to fucking shoot my television.

Throw in Rip and I'm good.

No surprise, Paul Blackthorne gets on screen for three minutes and makes the show better than it's been in sixteen episodes.

Not even watching Game Of Thrones have I wanted a character to die as much as Rip Hunter, Time Turd. I was positively screaming at my TV when Sara had her blade to his neck. He damn well deserves it.

There are blonde Hispanics, pendejo.

I forsee Nu52 Emo 'Bo.

"Genuinely great" is a bit of a stretch, although the slog of season one would make anything moderately entertaining seem Oscar-worthy in comparison.


Like a complete fucktard? If so, yes.

I'm convinced this is an intentional dick move by DC. Supergirl has barely gone by this name in the comics, but now they're trying to entrench the name in the minds of audiences before Carol Danvers can make her mark.

Superman's Worst Friend, this guy ha already blown Clark's cover like a five year old, to a budding supervillain no less.

Fun casting, or nepotism?

The thing is The Wire isn't about corruption, it's about the failings of the system, even when it's working "properly".

Like you never fingerbang yourself.

I would have agreed with you in the earlier episodes, but Cat has done a near complete 180 in my opinion. Also, between this and the Linda Park episode of The Flash, I've realised I really, really like identity reveals.

This Jimmy is the wooorst… Please can we ramp up the James Olsen hate around here.