Pedro de Pacas

Except for that one goon this episode who just completely shrugged it off!

Yeah, that was a great shot. Occasionally, Arrow will pull out something cinema-worthy.

Naaaaaaaah fuck you.

I can just imagine Phil in some poor man's In Living Color. Ten bucks he doubled as a Fly Girl.

It is a terrible show, but in the most glorious way possible. This season it has become my second favourite comic book show, after The Flash of course. It is batshit crazy.

Did The Simpson invent "bless you"???

The hair is not doing her any favours.

If Bob wasn't bitten, then why did he go outside and start crying?

I give the humour about Gloria's accent a pass, because coming from a Mexican family I find that stuff realistic and hilarious. Although as someone living in South Africa with a passing familiarity with Nigerian and West African accents, I also found the humour in this episode weak and slightly ignorant.

Anthony, calm down, and stop defending this mediocre show from the ribbing it deserves!

I found it hilarious how spot on the lyrics were for the scene and Simmons' character. It's like the writers were all 'who needs dialogue and character development when you can have songs full of exposition!'

You are aware Morocco is on the WEST coast of Africa?

I've always found the Fitz character to be pretty unlikeable, but I'm liking how the show is embracing that and turning him into a brain-damaged dick.

Nick Fury is the most secret agentiest character in comics - I don't think we can start arguing SHIELD is not a top-secret spy organisation.

Agreed. My only real gripe with the liberties this show has taken is the sullying of Montoya's character.