
Yes, that would be very ironic.

"Is it me or does this sound filthy!?"

There are a lot of comments to fish through, so apologies if said, but I'm glad John Teti is doing these reviews. His Six Feet Under essays are proof that the AV Club *still* has the best TV writer around

Stop saying 'full retard' all the time.

These reviews have also come too soon, in my opinion. I like episode-by-episode pieces cos there is a clear focus, but it clearly isn't going to help discussion if it's then released day-by-day. The two people who I know watching this started three days and one day ago respectively

Yeah. I want to watch more of this, but I also don't want to.

You need to watch episodes four and five and then you'll know what you really feel about this show. Not saying those are stand out episodes or anything, but that they are more what the show is than the previous three, if that makes sense. They also, helpfully, don't feature any flash forwards or voiceovers.

Everyone wins!

Apologies if this has been said in the comments - I don't want to see episode 2 spoilers - but I think it'd be really great if the episode reviews were split up (so with subtitles, basically). It's unlikely that I'll watch the two episodes per week in close proximity (and I generally find episodic reviews are better

Great to have to you back, John. I hope I can call you John, we all feel like such good friends now.

It might have been no more than 24 hours after it aired! But it was on the back of loads of people - friends, fans, critics, even Vince Gilligan - saying this was the best episode they've ever done. It was numerous. I am aware that it might be coming off as absurd at this point, but I do remember the hype. I could

Point well argued, but they're all REAL spoilers to me. There are some worse than others, of course

Wish Eli's bag had some booze in it. A really, really lovely finale. I do sort of wish there was a nod to the thing the show was founded on, the thing that shaped these characters in the years that we saw: booze. I dunno, I just want to squeeze out everything I love about the show. Even if that thing was largely a

Perhaps. I would have actually agreed not long ago but I feel it really takes the wind out of your sails. I dunno, maybe I've become so invested that everything I want now has to go the way I want it to: you ask "what's specifically great?" It's worse for shows where it's a classic - I wish I could have enjoyed famous

The scene where Raquel explains why the mirrors are covered reminded me of why I love religion in TV shows. Perhaps not so much in real life (in terms of human interaction, not Dawkins waffle) but I love the little ways it can inform us about the characters and their lives on the television. When Tim Riggins, to use

Presume that'll be the last we see of Bradley Whitford, at least for this season. Such a pleasant surprise.

Also, if you have the time, please write about shows you haven't seen yet over there. I'd read. You listed your favourites to me a few weeks ago - there a few glaring omissions! There is one specifically, similar but more famous than The Shield, that would be interesting to read from your Shield-obsessive perspective.


I really reckon that if he hadn't said that, or the thing about white boys below, I wouldn't be ready to let him go. But I can. Because that was a great 'character accepting death' moment

It was a brilliant episode, and the big deaths were a huge part of that - Chalky and Van Alden didn't just die, they died perfectly. They had their moments - the why we love 'ems - and then they had their moments on the brink of execution. I dunno if the greatness of this episode can be measured without the way they