
I know I've complained that the show was telling too many stories at once but I do wish we got more behind 'Amy'. A much-needed break from the Keys and a story not about a 'bad thing'.


The finale did evoke the tragedy of Shield's own finale, which I quite liked. It was well executed, but I finished the episode relieved that I never have to watch the show again.

The dream sequence definitely was a bit of a retread, but I enjoyed it.

Wherever you go, there you are.

Martha too. In fact, I kinda wish that scene where she sees the cute kid was in the series finale, a brief escape in an episode likely to be brutal and bloody (I'm thinking ahead I know, but *that* would be some victory).

I've forgotten everything personally

Is Season 3 going to be reviewed? Would be interesting to see how it's generally received (especially in the conments), given it's got a 0% Rotten Tomatoes rating so far. I've seen two episodes, and it's been pretty good. I mean, yeah, the focus is so tight that it makes you feel claustrophobic, the setting makes you

Almost put off by how 'good' a sales pitch that was from Nora

Oh yeah.

Oh, didn't see this before commenting earlier. Oh my god, hi fakeplastictree from the SFU Teti reviews!

But who's looking for Kevin Garver Snr in Australia?

It's not the first time they've given her a stunning reveal.

Not sure if this is just my English ear, but Carrie Coon sounds a lot like Rachel Griffiths' Brenda Chenowith (I know Griffiths is Austrialian). And so her argument with Kevin reminded me of the best break up scene on television, Brenda and Nate's fight in Six Feet Under. This was nearly as good, too. So good I could

KEVIN RATBURN: Oh, are you having coke?

We are all Kevin Rayburn.

I noticed it. I haven't seen the remaining two episodes, though I assume you have.

I'm trying to understand why the reviewer - whose writing is generally very good, and whose 'toxic masculinity' idea in a recent Bloodline review was a genuinely great bit of analysis - is so hung up on (not)fully formed, fleshed, sketched out bit part characters. They are bit part characters for a reason, there to be

I find it so hard to find fault in Meg cos of Lindsay Weir. Still. After all this time. I was certain she was the good Rayburn even with her dead brother in the trunk of her car. All cos she cried about her dead granma in a 1999 pilot. Along these lines, her boss is pathetic for sending her so far away over just a