
Why would you have to say that now? Respectfully, at least wait a week. Expectation spoilers are a huge drag, not (but failing) to sound whiny

why hasn't anyone said yet that those are the actor's real teeth?

Defended Nowalk's general writing last week but I can't possibly here, mostly because I've remembered previous Shield reviews with even more misogynist Mara stuff. It's all there.

I echo those who disagree with some of Nowalk's observations in this week's piece, but, as I've said before, his reviews really do capture the atmosphere of the show like few reviewers - even good ones - do. Great when that show is The Shield. And so they will always be something I take time out to read.

Nice one, wallflower. Incidentally, "real characters" is how I try to convince people to watch a show like Six Feet Under.

Hey Wallflower, what else is among your favourite TV? I like your mind. #askwallflower

Oh. Makes sense. I suppose it's *too much* to have hoped that Willie Thompson, nephew of Nucky Thompson, rocked up to an interview for the U.S Attorney's Office in 1931 arm-in-arm with his black girlfriend

This might have been answered, and, if not, it's probably because it's definitely not important to anyone: but who was the black woman next to Willie?

Kavanaugh's "pissin'" scene was confirmation of a genuine TV series legend, in my opinion.

Obvious observation, but these reviews absolutely nail the atmosphere of the show. Makes me a little breathless as I think of the scenes described.

while there's a tv club discussion, why did the west wing reviews stop at season 4? (assuming *somebody* knows)

She is so good in this one! She has to do more things, or at least things that aren't written by Nicholas Sparks and aren't on Lifetime

This episode justifies the last one so well, in my opinion. (And, again, why I think Season 4 is actually very good.)

I like that the writers came to a point where they thought PEOPLE DYING TRAGICALLY would get old, so, with the curveballs, they could at least die COMICALLY.

"A lot of people, if they sought a new companion to care for, would get a dog. David, though, sees Jake stranded under the overpass and decides, in an instant of caprice, that’s my dog."

I tried to rewatch this episode and, just as the focus shifted completely to The Bad Thing, I switched it off. Generally, this show, despite what it explores, is 'fun' to revisit, and you are always able to appreciate something either more or simply in a different way. I wasn't left completely unsatisfied in that


This is a season where dogs pop up quite a bit, though I haven't quite made the connection. Maybe one for John, soon.

You've forgotten something this week, Snake Doctor.