
its impossible to see Idris Elbow as a bad ass after hearing him constantly complain about just about every role, and every inconvenience. And No, he doesn't look imposing, he looks like a gym going pansy…and I am just tired of him.

Only to a black guy.

That is real life. In real life the spiritually perfect foreigners somehow get into trouble, and need the typical old American middle class tax dollars to get them out of it.

Well, duh, it is all the stooopid Amerikan lady fault! The wonderful Indian lady was all spiritual and right until the bad Amerikan got there….Good ol' Hollywood for ya!

1. "Don't touch the door, Got it!" ;;touches the door;; "Why are all these terrible things happening!!!" ;;facepalm;; Kind of reminded me of Army of Darkness…. Ash; "Klaatu Brada Nikto Got it, Got it!"
2. The Stoopid White Amerikan lady broke it!

The show is really great. The one big difference between this and the films is the credibility of the plot. The tone is not the thing that makes a show fun. The story is. In the series format we have the scares, but the real fun is that we are being challenged to guess who is behind it all. I am enjoying it quite a

Um…only a crazy person would not be nearly broken having killed someone with their hands like that. So if you're suggesting aria is somehow weak for being haunted, check yourself.

I doubt that Spencer needed the break. i think she was doing it for detective reasons.

Except that she was 16, and its legal. Thats why they have them at 13 in catch a predator. ALWAYS at 13. Thats the oldest age you can reliably get in trouble for. Even 14 isn't actionable unless its with a teacher or someone else in authority.

HUH???? The age of consent in most every state is sixteen. I agree that dating a teacher is completely unacceptable, and illegal, of course. And Wren is creepy regardless of age. Ian was looking at 15 yr olds, which is wrong. Other then that, its not wrong to date 16 yr olds. The detective hasn't done anything. Of

I don't think the title "Pretty Little Liars" is referring to the girls. Think about it; Who are the worst liars in the show? Certainly not the girls who would not lie in normal circumstances, but are BEING FORCED to lie. The real liars are "Jenna, Sydney, Mona..and the queen liar is Melissa. Mona is certainly lying

Alison definitely is trying to be better. She doesn't want to fight or bully. But she doesn't have a choice. Mona hit her first. And Alison knows very well that it wouldn't have mattered what she did. Mona wants something, and it doesn't matter to her what Alison is better or not. Remember, Mona lies almost as well as

If they wanted to do that they would just leave her alone. She has repeatedly asked them, actually begged them to back off. Thats what she was saying to Mona when she taped her and made it sound totally different. No. They want something completely different. Besides, how could Mona or Jenna be against bullying when

The point is its fun. The plot is this; Their mission is to get Alison to leave town, at least that is what Mona is telling the loser army, however, she may have different plans. Its likely that the mona/Sydney/Jenna group are using the loser army to do something else. I wouldn't be totally surprised if they weren't

I like this place!


Isn't that Beetlejuice in a nutshell? So he turned it into a game.

Obama would blame Bush….so..

Wonderful. So then send your excess money to me. That will take care of that "riches" problem. Do you want my address?

How very existential. I am going to feel quite cheated if they are not giving some clues to the mystery of who killed Hannah. Honestly, enough with the character development. Character development is great only if there is an actual story to be told. Besides; Melvin just didn't bother to go to the prison, which was