
Yeah. My first thought was he may be the killer. But now I just don't know. Yes, he has some part to play.

Yeah. That guy is just cars, self serving, and cold. I have absolutely nothing positive in that direction. I can't tell you how awesome it was for Daniel to pants him, to try to teach him a little empathy. Teddy has had it too easy.

So is everyone reaching the conclusion that Trey Willis is the one that killed Hannah? The only way he could act more suspicious is if he wore her skin. Seriously, anyone saying …oh we are not really being told if Daniel did it…its not important" must be watching a different show.

I am enjoying it better. Frankly, I was getting fed up with the extra slow pacing. i liked it at first, but eventually I will want a PLOT. NOt just a chance to visit with some characters. Does anyone really care what Mr Eric Adams thinks of any show? Not that I am opposed to him.

I don't know if the slow pacing would continue to work. I liked it at first, but it got frustrating. I actually do want a plot, not a trip to the town.

You mean especially the lead, right?