seven fentons in May

I don't read Vice, but your comment still surprised me: AVC has "news coverage"?

Godspeed You! Black Emperor should in charge of music for the opening ceremonies from now on

Anal Cunt's "The Olympics Is Best When Athletes Collapse and Die" is a good one, but it was rejected for Beijing 2008

i refuse to recognize this inspirational song as long as we have Salt & Peppa's "Push It"

the uniforms are designed to maximize hotness

"What we need is the right balance between friction and lubrication."

In You Only Live Twice, a more traditional example of a ninja would be the assassin who slithers into the house where Bond and Bond Girl Who Gets Killed are sleeping, and kills her by dripping poison down a string and onto her lips

great screen name!

Fortunately their earlier stuff had consistently subtle, entirely inoffensive lyrics. "Kabuki Girl" for example

where's Amour?

this list cured my shingles!

Yeah it was great to see Four Lions on the list, but it should've been ranked higher

Anybody at all remember Tinker Toys? No?

in a strange way, you can still see some of his greatness as an actor in his charismatic goofball roles, for example the Fatboy Slim video or in Excess Baggage


The jocks at your school wore rugby shirts, overalls, and roller skates?

"I'm looking for an outfit that says 'Daddy's into leather.'"

Pleasuring myself, like the Founding Fathers intended

I'd ask that you not refer to Bryn Mawr's athletics program that way.
