seven fentons in May

which gang is your favorite (aside from The Warriors, obviously)? Mine is the Turnbull ACs, which I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) is the first depiction of "skinheads" in American cinema.

Am I the only one who thought this movie was really gay? Maybe campy but not gay, I dunno. It felt like the whole thing really should've been a musical.

The action I expected. What I didn't expect was the over-the-top camp.

The Drew Berrymore Columbian Powder Hour

♬ The Eye of the Lawyer… ♫

Samizdat sequels are a close second

bad…or spectacularly bad?


the review above had nowhere near enough Poots

Gotta question the show's accuracy. These are by far the best looking roadies I've ever seen.

it is discouraging. but keep in mind that early summer tends to be slow season for scheisse porn releases

"Brace hooters for impact."

Harun Farocki! good woody-sounding name…

uh…that's not a pistol

"Don't touch me I'm voll of tear gas!"

I came here expecting "Blacker Holes" to refer to the Blackish porn parody and I'm disappointed


"Here's a movie role, go see a Transformer"

the pigtails. she had to have pigtails.

damn, i wanted to make the first Anthony Weiner joke. and yours was funnier.