seven fentons in May

How do you keep up with the news like that?

i think you mean 性

holy shit this is funny

will this lead to the long-rumored Galactic Jizz-Wailers reunion?

I was confused by the reference to "holo-Water." then i realized it was supposed to say "holo-Walter," followed by the realization that, no, it clearly said "holo-Water." it's confusing, is what i'm saying.

i love the Meat Puppets too

i wanted it to be more like Drive

well, yeah, but there the writer get kidnapped and mutilated. important difference.

i didn't see it, but it sounded relentlessly white

did the article use 'curate'? i hate the overuse of that word

wait i thought oenophile is when you jerk off a lot?

"I don't speak Italian, but Pinot Grigio means 'slut fuel' right?"

you guys knockers it off!

confession: i liked his review of Shower With Your Dad Simulator

i'm sorry how does Harry Potter fit into this?

Never go full Kevin Smith

Once on a bus i was the only white person. A bunch of loud individuals on the bus were making lots of jokes and annoying everyone (i was taking notes on who was laughing and who wasn't). Then they made a joke about hair and—no joke—the entire bus burst out laughing. Unfortunately i didn't get the joke and felt left

people haven't yet seen everything!

still better than Kinja

Cheesecake Factory always reminds me of the restaurant in Brazil