seven fentons in May

y'now what else is a battleground? your mind. your mind is a battleground.

of what…??? FINER THINGS OF WHAT???

You know what else is getting canceled? fenton's Hulu Plus membership. Because Criterion is leaving Hulu later this year.

No goin' below the equator

does my PornhubPlatinum membership work with that?

see under boner, weirdest

before everyone denigrates ICP, Juggalos and The Gathering, just remember: they did hurl bottles of urine (and probably feces) at Tila Tequila

exclusively at Walmart

they probably have a whole tent-area for that at the gathering

no, Pitchfork is steering clear of this i think

Always a momentous occasion.

what could go wrong?

They really exist, but the stories about them tend be less glamorous/dramatic and more bizarre/horrible

"World itself is not an innerworldly being, and yet it determines innerworldly beings to such an extent that they can only be encountered and discovered and show themselves in their being because 'there is' world."
-Martin Heidegger

at least in the interview these two guys (whoever they are) named checked Rites of Spring…and acknowledged that the "emo" label doesn't exactly fit.

Kate Beckinsale is like 1/16 Burmese or something. (i like to think this partly explains her ineffable beauty)

shit this is sobering. i'm interested in this because i'm on adderall. and i'm choosing to be. it makes me feel better. that said, drugs like this are WAY overprescribed in this country and if i ever had kids i would have to think long and hard about putting them on any kinds of drugs like this.

adderall is not meth.
according to wikipedia adderall is
25% amphetamine aspartate monohydrate or (RS)-1-phenylpropan-2-amine;
25% amphetamine sulfate which for some reason is also (RS)-1-phenylpropan-2-amine (hey i don't make the rules here);
25% dextroamphetamine saccharate or (2S)-1-phenylpropan-2-amine;

it's the 21st century. and apparently there are still skinheads.

Poots in Boots.