seven fentons in May


Buttsville really applies to all of NJ. hi-yo!!!

quantum aesthetics: the next frontier

Sad to hear. Stabb truly deserves membership in the DC punk Hall of Fame.

These videos remind me of Spinal Tap

This. Is. The. First. Song. From. Our. New. Album.

stay tuned for my upcoming fictional memoir, Eats Poots and Leaves

I don't think it's crazy to take issue with how women are portrayed in Cormac McCarthy's stories — or, how women are barely portrayed.

i think this kind of comedy extends to the 2% or even 3%

I seriously [thought] that it was a claymation model

wtf is wrong with everybody?!!? To take just the ending — the very ending — when he lights a match, gazes briefly at the flame, blows it out, and intones Welcome to the human race. That's a great moment in cinema.

there are bands that actually do that. like Cop Shoot Cop. it's…hard to make it work.

off topic, but will they tour with Screaming Females? also if you haven't heard the Garbage/SF collaboration, here is a video

will they do a cover of "Lemonade"?

How I Met Your Mother

i only read the transcript (and was laughing pretty hard). maybe that was a good decision.



holy shit. as a fellow teacher (different subject, but stiil) i sympathize. that's discouraging.
