seven fentons in May

just when you thought Stone Temple Pilots couldn't get any shittier…

prove it. prove your fandom.

there's also…DAT AZZ

sometimes i imagine AVC must use statistical modeling to determine which keywords need to be posted at regular intervals in order to attract more page views.

*presses X to reload musket; gets comfortable for next 3 minutes*

"In space, no one can hear you smack dat booty."

it should be inside your body. like the '80s movie Inner Space, starring Dennis Quaid. it will be action packed but also educational, as players learn about the pulmonary system, immunoefficiency, and digestion.

more awsomer guns

yes, but his plan is to make the moon pay for it


maybe some people like the whole wedding ceremony thing too much to do it only once

AVC used to have lots of well thought out, insightful writing. now it doesn't. that's all i meant. sorry you don't like the word "clickbait."

i can read that! thanks duolingo!

i've been told the same. but i think of Kevin Bacon as averege looking, so it was hard to take that as a compliment

my manta ray is okay

the game is clickbait. the object is reaching the lowest common denominator under the guise of entertainment journalism.

i have an ironic jacking-off method; you've probably never heard of it

way to bury the lede, AVC!!!

CBS This Morning is heading in that direction i think

this is why i stick to Italian porn. gangbangs should be classy, with elegant costumes, sets, and lighting that establishes a certain…sensual-cum-melancholy atmosphere