
Those tags are what keep me coming back for more of this show.

I clapped for them. I also guessed that something like that would happen when they were talking about how they don't make vibrators with the needs of older women in mind (also, I almost lost it when Grace picked up the pepper grinder to demonstrate…).

I've always thought he was gay too.

That's how I read it too. Maybe she is planning to end her life but the character has so much joie de vivre that I got the feeling there was a terminal diagnosis of something behind it.

I can always make room for cheese!

That line about the rain sticks was PERFECT. I don't always like Sol but they have given him some amazingly good one-liners in the last couple of episodes. I think now that we know these characters the funniest lines are the ones where we think, of course Sol would say that.

I love the yam man.

Totally didn't realize that was Marsha Mason! Wow. Also, pretty sure one of the husbands was Cosmo from Moonstruck.

"I'll always have your yams, because I'll always be your yam man." Jacob the Yam Man, setting unrealistic expectations for romance since 2016.

I've always gotten the feeling from Sol that he wouldn't have thought of himself as closeted until he fell in love with Robert, which was totally unexpected for him (I loved that scene where he told Frankie about kissing Robert in the elevator), whereas Robert was conscious of suppressing part of himself his whole

In which she was SO GOOD. Nothing like a huge star going back to Broadway to do a supporting role for which she is 100% perfect.

I thought it was bizarre for any kid to go up to an unrelated adult and be like, I have my dad's credit card, can you help me get into an R-rated movie? I did like what the storyline did for Titus, though.

Rich man, poor man,
Black or white,
Pick your apple,
Take a bite.
Everybody just hold tight
To your dreams…

Me too. When he said he never thought he deserved anything, but maybe he was wrong…just perfect. Kevin Doyle has done such a good job making us love that character.

I thought he was great in A Single Man.

As soon as Edith invited the editor to the races, I was like, FOR TOM!

To chase away the malcontent?


Did anybody ever think when they introduced Molesley and he was such a sad sack that we would all eventually like him so much? What a mensch.

Oh, absolutely. The episode where Sybil wears pants? Elizabeth Bellamy totally did that first.