
So much. (I didn't want to say anything about it just in case a show that's been off the air for 30 years can still be spoiled.)

YES! My roommate and I were watching it and he was like, "DUDE, don't leave that stamp book open on the table with Denker right there!"

And she will not devote the years of her prime to petrification!

Oh lord, that episode when Lady Marjorie makes Emily break up with her suitor…it breaks my heart.

I have always wanted a Remains of the Day lunchbox.

A thing like that…


I don't roll on Shabbos!

I think it would be just like Sol and Frankie to adopt a child from Africa and give him an African name, or retain his birth name, so that he feels connected to his heritage. Also, Sol never struck me is being particularly observant (there's a scene in one of the last few episodes that gives more evidence of that,

I think that moment with Robert was my favorite part of the episode.

Agreed entirely.

I agree, I still love Julia Ormond in that role. Like, it's too bad about her accent and her French, but it was perfect casting otherwise.

To be honest, it doesn't read all that flamboyant to me. Some of his mannerisms are just Martin Sheen mannerisms (not sure if you watched The West Wing but at times I watch Robert and it's as if I'm watching President Bartlet ten years after leaving office). But it seems to me that Robert IS a little flamboyant, and

But I think that's part of the point. I get the feeling that Robert was always gay and tried to suppress it or change it, whereas it wouldn't have occurred to Sol to be with any man but Robert. I've finished the series and I think Robert is actually my favorite.

Maybe not, but it was set up in the first scene of the episode that Frankie needed a hearing aid, which is why I thought it was such a brilliant punchline. :)

I hope Frankie and Sol can find a way to be friends eventually.

I know there's been a lot of speculation about how the series will end, and I've never really thought about it before…but I'm going to guess that the final line of the series will be Don introducing himself as Dick Whitman.

It's not a perfect show, but I had a good belly laugh at the end when Grace saw the cake and the card on the table and said, "What is this? I can't read it" and Frankie said, "You can eat it, it's a cake! It won't kill you." Totally earned.

I'm really enjoying the show. I'm willing to forgive it almost anything just for putting Tomlin, Fonda, Sheen and Waterston in a show together.

My favorite thing was Roger playing "Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo" on that creepy organ. Brilliant.