
I do it all the time! I have a Madhur Jaffrey cookbook with tons of easy recipes that make at least 2 meals each. Also, once you have the spices you need—cumin seeds, mustard seeds, turmeric, coriander, etc.—they last for ages and you don't need to buy them again for a while.

Yes yes yes! I love brussels sprouts but I came to them as an adult when I could cook them however I wanted (and I'm pretty sure the first time I cooked them involved bacon). A few years ago my roommate told me that he didn't like brussels sprouts, so I made them for him, and he realized that the reason he didn't

One of the only foods I don't eat is bananas, and I will not compromise. The flavor doesn't bother me but when I taste it all I can think about is that mushy banana texture.

He'll be back,
Like before,
I will fight the fight
And win the war!

Who wouldn't want someone who fusses and flatters?

Yeah, it looked like Short Hills to me but that's just the mall I grew up with.

I think also something that hasn't really been addressed is how Kimmy herself feels about having a romantic partner. There was some stuff early on where she was like, I'm an adult, I need a boyfriend, and there was the plotline with Dong that still felt like kind of a teenage romance. But I think Kimmy needs to

I probably could have guessed that Perry would not be good at rapping, but man, I really want to hear Daveed Diggs rap about philosophy for real.

"Red is my color."

I really like him, because I think he's managing to make the Commander come across as kind of a weak non-entity compared to Serena Joy, with an undercurrent of danger that you can forget about for a while until it suddenly emerges again.

Oh, I love this movie. "Warm liquid goo phase, beginning….Warm liquid goo phase, complete." Also, I'm pretty sure the line I quote the most often is "I'm Richie Cunningham and this is my wife OPRAH." Also "Help help I'm in a nutshell!" Oh, hell, most of it. I think the first movie has the best lines, and the

I really didn't want to laugh at Bud's girlfriend, but I definitely did. A bunch of times.

I see what you did there.

I agree. I think they've finally found this character, and Martin Sheen is really hitting it out of the park. To me Robert seems like the trickiest character to get right—on the one hand, wanting to be out and himself and open about who he loves, but on the other hand, still caring a lot about what things look like

I agree. I think they're especially doing better with Robert, who is I think the most challenging character to write and to play.

I was wondering about this as well! She's hardly an unknown entity in the business world, and she's proven herself to be successful at growing a company.

That drinking game was BRILLIANT.

And both of her parents are all about forgetting the past. There's a reason it took two seasons to bring up Robert—it was buried.

Josh and Rebecca both think that if they get together with that one perfect person, all of their problems will disappear. As WhiJo said, they shouldn't be getting married. I think Josh made the right call, to be honest. Would have been good if he had gotten there sooner, but Rebecca is kind of a steamroller.

I loved the scene when he told Josh about making the decision to become a priest. For all of his casualness generally, he has a serious calling. I like that the show doesn't shy away from that