
My roommate doesn't watch the show, but he overheard the whole scene where Judge Cuesta was testing the juror, and he was like…wait, wasn't that just nonsense?

Every time I read anything about Claudette Colbert, all I can think of is Gosford Park. "Well, what about Claudette Colbert? She's British, isn't she? Well, she sounds British. Is she British or is she affected?"
And I think I need to re-watch It Happened One Night.

This might be the best thing that has ever happened on the internet. Now I'm sitting here trying to figure out which Sesame Street character would be the most likely to "speak according to the boo-ook boo-ook boo-ook, BOO-OOOOOOOOK!"

I'm concerned that Lemond Bishop is going to have Kalinda killed.

I was glad to see Kalinda back in full investigator mode. I had forgotten that there's a reason they all need her so much.

I had the same thought about Temple Grandin, about how her mind works in pictures. I wonder if Elsbeth isn't somewhere on the autism spectrum.

I thought that was such a strange reason for Cary to have learned Russian. We don't know anything about him, why not give him a Russian parent or grandmother? It never has to come up again.

Yup! Like the scene where Will and Alicia are together and Will is on the phone with Diane and all of a sudden we hear "Hey, Mom, pick up the phone! Hey, Mom, pick up the phone!" Tee hee.

I'm just amazed by her range. The first time I saw her in anything was as Parminder Nagra's ridiculous older sister in Bend It Like Beckham.

That was my first thought! Elsbeth has a mind palace!

The timing of that was perfect.

1. Eli's hair is back to normal, thank goodness!
2. The last line of this episode nearly ruined it for me. "If I ran, what's the plan?" sounds so wrong…I want it to be "If I were to run, what's the plan?" Or something. I hate to be pedantic but it was just so off.
3. Anybody else catch Danielle Ferland, original cast

I agree, I thought he was right.

Diane Lockhart for the WIN. Plus she was wearing phenomenal clothes the whole time.

And even in the middle of all of this horror for Cary, there was the scene where Marissa told Eli that the intern wasn't wearing any panties.


Meredith cracks me up. When she sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her for Don to sit down, I just lost it. I laughed through that whole scene.

I don't think Ginsberg's breakdown in this episode was unexpected. I remember being really unnerved by his behavior when they first hired him. He was paranoid even then, hearing voices, and then the writers kind of forgot about it for a while because the agency was going through so much upheaval. I don't know why

I think when Cary said "We're not doing this anymore" he meant exchanging information, not sleeping together.

That was one of my favorite episodes ever.