
I loved the moment in the clinic when she went home after reorganizing everything and Dr. Clarkson watched her go and said, "Good." I don't know if they'll get together eventually, but it's a lovely relationship no matter what.

My personal favorite line was when Robert said that Edith had disappeared to London with a mysterious air and wouldn't tell him what she was up to, and Mary replied, "Honestly, papa, Edith's about as mysterious as a bucket." Ah, there's the old Mary!

That was some great Adam's apple acting from Matt Czuchry!

It's funny, because I've never been a big Matt Czuchry fan, but now that Will is a jerk I'm finding him more and more attractive. And he was just adorable in this episode.

I know Kiri Te Kanawa is at least partly Maori, but I don't know if Melba was.

I was sort of hoping that they were going to explore the Bates/Anna relationship, since we really don't get to see anything but the positive aspects of it. When Bates yelled at Anna during the card game, I was wondering if they were going to go home and have some kind of explosive fight. I feel like there was

The Melty Man!!!

You know, I was thinking about Edith and Gregson, and I feel like Edith has just stopped caring about propriety or what her family thinks or the fact that this guy has a lunatic wife that he's trying to divorce by becoming a German citizen and can take down a card sharp using tricks from his "checkered past." I think

Oh, I thought the best line was "I have a Chanukah too!" Also when Kalinda tried to tell a joke. It was like "Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Go fuck yourself." from Catch Me If You Can.

Yeah, I was surprised that nobody looked into that fake bullet…

Judge horny, Alicia.

Eh, this episode was just okay for me. I totally didn't realize that Haaz Sleiman was Tarek in The Visitor. I like Jason O'Mara, but I don't think the show needs a character like him—and I agree that if his primary purpose is going to be romance with Kalinda, the show really doesn't need him. Nor does Kalinda. I

That's what I was thinking too, that maybe he was so drunk that he didn't remember.

I actually said that in real life the other day.

He didn't say "I love the law," he said "I like the law." He's getting involved because he likes the people involved—both Cary and Alicia, I think. Otherwise it's hard to get a read on him.

No, those were the Eisenstadts—but they were also mentioned in this episode, when Alicia went in for her deposition with Christian Borle.

I also never really thought that the reason she left was because she was afraid of falling in love with Will. I was under the impression that that ship had sailed a little for her. But their history made it impossible for her to be his equal within the firm—and not even just their romantic history. It came out in

I think Grace and the gun thing is more about going directly in opposition to Alicia. It's not out and out rebellion, exactly, but I think the second Alicia said she had never shot a gun in a tone of voice that suggested "why would anyone?", it cemented Grace's interest in a way that parental approval or tolerance

Oh my GOD, she was Laura on In Treatment?!

I live in Chicago and I want to know where they got that perfect New York pizza. We have it, but it's very rare.