
I liked the moment when David Lee suggested that they tell clients that Alicia stole money and Diane said, quickly, "We can't say that."

Agreed. I'll probably go see it anyway, out of curiosity.

I guess it makes sense that she wouldn't get married in black. Either way, striking as hell.

Ooh, yes! She's playing Cinderella's Stepmother, a role in which she will probably steal every scene she's in. I can't wait!

I was also wondering throughout the episode whether Diane leaving the firm would mean that Christine Baranski would appear in fewer episodes. This way, Diane will have to stick around, at least in an advisory capacity.

Slime 'em!

I don't think she was lying, exactly, just phrasing her answer in such a way as to cast doubt on Chrissy. For all we know, it was just flirting, or conversation, or Chrissy came to Kalinda with a question in all of those locations. It's all about choice of words and delivery. Chrissy wasn't there to clarify

Could Diane be any chic-er? The clothes in this episode were so incredible, I literally gasped when she walked into wherever it was they were getting married in that black dress with the animal pin on it (I loved it so much I can't remember what the animal was! Some kind of lizard?).