
I've always counted oral as sex*. Found out after a recent weekend in which several blow jobs were exchanged but we didn't get around to anal that my boyfriend does not. It was a fun conversation that started with "Why didn't we have sex all weekend?" "What? We had tons of sex."

There's one spa in Chicago (where I live) that's supposedly a real spa/sauna and not a bathhouse but only gay men go there so it's basically a bathhouse. It's definitely not perfect, but one thing it has going for it is that more people wear nothing than wear the towels or robes they provide. And people actually talk

I'm definitely in the same boat as far as being more of a shower, but it hasn't seemed to make a difference as far as people being interested.

I think we shall have to agree to disagree on this point, sir.

I was thinking the same thing. It sounds a lot like the anti-porn rants my (very religious) mother used to go on.

So funny story: Evidently vaginal sex late in pregnancy can cause bleeding. Like kinda a *lot* of bleeding. And sometimes this might lead to a midwife gushing to a hysterical pregnant woman about how amazing it is that she's still having sex and how happy the midwife is for her.

Who said anything about wasting it? Them's still good eats.

I once had the good luck to have two one-night stands in one night. Following which I was struck with the incredible realization that I'm a slut.

I'd definitely wait until the project is over before pursuing something with this second woman. Cause even if neither one is looking for something exclusive, seeing the other person who's banging your fb/fwb/whatever every day is maybe not gonna be the most comfortable for them.

Wait, I didn't. Don't…don't you like me? *sniffles*

No more idiotking penis stories?! Say it ain't so!

Maybe, but she seems to have found what she was looking for there. Given the rest of the letter, it seems likely it was easier for her to justify going on a BDSM forum because only sub men give oral and she wants oral than to just admit (to herself or anyone else) she's interested in BDSM.

Depending where she lives, those attitudes might still be way more common than you think. I grew up in a fairly rural part of Indiana, and that's not far off from the prevailing attitudes there 20 years ago. And while Indiana definitely has its issues, it's hardly the most backward state in the country.

My high school band experience was much more in line with that bit from American Pie. There was more than one kid conceived at band camp - maybe even one a year - at my school. Course my high school also had abstinence only sex ed and one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the country while I was there.

Michael Fassbender
Rupert Grint
Seth Green

I feel like brass players are gonna have a leg up on woodwinds as far as oral sex. Woodwinds have so many more keys that a lot of it's more pressing different keys than changing your embouchure. Brass instruments mostly just have 3 keys, so it's all in the lips, tongue and throat.

Thanks! I've already thought of PrEP, but right now I'm on a high deductible/HSA plan with basically no prescription drug benefit, so I'd be paying out of pocket for it AND I'm not eligible for the no insurance programs. My company offers the HSA plan and a PPO and I'm definitely switching come next open enrollment,

Well, I didn't say I was surprised not to hear back. But it's still annoying. You'd think hiring managers/HR/whoever is in charge of that would have some fucking sympathy. I mean, clearly they've been through the same process themselves at some point since they also have a job.

So my love life is pretty ridiculous right now and this seems as good a place as any to talk about it. (Even if I am coming late to the party this week.) I'm not sure how much I've told you guys, so I'll just start from (more or less) the top.

Go for the facebook message. That's super charming and if she's at all into you, it should work. And if she's not into you, well, at least you know. Good luck!