
It's amazing to me how often employers are shitty about that kind of thing. A quick email or phone call to let you know you're no longer in the running after you've been in for an interview takes almost no effort on their part and yet so many don't even bother.

furiously masturbating?

I have to second Drinking_with_Skeletons here. You look like that and you're a straight guy who apparently knows how to dress himself?

I feel like something like that must already exist, but I'm not about to google "fetish care bears" at work.

Hey let's not be crazy here.

I suppose Walter is an option too. The quiet shy ones always seem to be the most willing to bend over a balcony railing in a packed theater.

Dicks man. They're a fucking mystery.

I can't help but picture some kind of fucked up Care Bear stare thing here.

*thinking through which muppets could be considered twinkish*

I don't know whether to be more surprised by your roommate's disgusting behavior or the fact you (it appears) had a private bathroom as a freshman.

Actually that's probably right on the nose. He did mention that he didn't end up staying long.

Like others said, you're unlikely to get closure and even if you do manage to pry some reasons out of him (don't attempt this) they're not ultimately going to be satisfying.

I thought I was pretty clear that we've had that talk and agreed that we're not exclusive.

Yeah, that makes sense. I think it was more of a startle reflex on my part like "oh shit I didn't expect to see you here. quick act natural." Thanks!

There's this guy I've been seeing for a few weeks* and things had been going really well, if a bit more quickly/serious than I was looking for this soon out of a relationship. We've both been clear that we're not exclusive, but don't really want to know about who else the other is sleeping with. Last week I ran into

Wait, other people are getting sweet government employee benefits to torture children? How is that supposed to cheer anyone up?

I can't help you out here, but I'm also pretty interested to hear any advice on the topic.

I haven't found that potatoes release enough water to make a noticeable difference, but to me, the flour does take away from the potato-y richness of the soup. I think it muddies the flavor a bit.

Why microwave the potatoes first? If you chop them up and cook them in the milk/stock, the starch from the potatoes will thicken the soup without needing to make a roux.

She's even more awesome in person actually. I haven't seen her much lately, but I know her from back before she started CA. Seriously one of the most awesome people I know. And now I'm thinking I really need to make a point of seeing her more often.