
The restless snake wakes,
Longing for a warm embrace.
Perhaps a mongoose?

That sounds about right to me too. 5.16" seems rather on the small end for the median or the mean. Kinda curious what the standard deviation is too. Just on personal experience 8" is much more common than 4", which doesn't fit at all with a 5.16" average.

Haha ok. Maybe super different is a bit of an exaggeration but different definitely. I'm not sure how easy it is to explain the difference exactly. There's the tightness definitely, although there's a lot of variation there obviously from person to person. And they're just shaped differently - kinda oval/almond shaped

Sure. I think we don't quite see eye to eye here but I appreciate that we're able to have a civil discussion about it.

In case I wasn't clear I was in no way asking for your advice on how to improve my eating habits.

Really? Cause they feel super different to me. And I speak as a gay man who used to be married to a woman so I've had a good bit of experience with both.

I already said that Planet Fitness actually worked out really well for her. Cause yanno, she has willpower and doesn't have to eat pizza just because it's in front of her even if she is a bigger woman.

Are you trying to be a smug asshole or does that just come naturally to you?

Bully for you!

I just replied to Geddy Lee Marvin about this below. No I'm not projecting. Also, I'm actually much more likely to get comments that I'm too skinny than too fat so I'm not just a bitter fat person either.

I'm lucky enough to be blessed with a super high metabolism but my ex wife wasn't.* She tried going to a regular gym and would regularly be called fatty to her face (or loudly remarked on clearly in her hearing) or be asked by more in shape gym members to give up her machine because she clearly didn't really know how

Clearly spoken as someone who's never been on the receiving end of that treatment. Seriously. Society in general is pretty hard on fat folks, but gyms can be fucking brutal.

I'm with you there. If I can remember to eat something big and greasy before going to bed (which is rarely the case if I'm that drunk) that's like the best thing ever. But if I don't eat before bed, anything more than dry toast the next morning is just gonna come right back up.

Fuck yes. Formal wear with a punk haircut/piercings/lots of tattoos is hot as hell.

I'm the exact opposite. I love to get dressed up. I wear a tie/bowtie to work as often as not in an environment where jeans and a polo are the norm. Any excuse for me to go somewhere I'm not gonna stick out like a sore thumb in a tie and buttondown and I'm IN.

Yeah not so much. Yes, it has generally been an assumption and agreement in the majority of marriages* but definitely not always. The nobility, especially the males, were pretty much expected to have mistresses or at least dalliances for most of history. You're right that it's generally been secret and the appearance


Maybe so, but it's also a lot more accepting of people who don't already look perfect before they set foot in the door.

I kinda took the real question there to be "How can we find out if our neighbors can hear us having sex or not without actually asking some retirees if they can hear us having sex?" Which, I dunno, seems legit to me. I mean no sense in curtailing something they both enjoy (the loud sex) if it's not bothering anyone

And soon all the neighbors are wondering why they get hungry every time they watch porn.