Travis Meyer

"In Case of Emergency…"

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Solomon Grande KILL Superfriends!

See also C. W. McCall's "Convoy."

I'd be more interested in an X-Factor movie. I've always liked the idea of a mutant detective agency.

They already fucked up Jonah Hex.

Wacky Packages > Garbage Pail Kids

Let us proclaim the mystery of Laura.

Datboi McDatboiface

Sure. About as much of a chance as the Nashville Predators still have.

Sure, but even taking Reagan himself out of the equation, a big part of the GOP platform was (and remains) returning America to the so-called "good old days."

Aresenio did take over for Joan Rivers on Fox's Late Show for a spell, but his own shows have always been syndicated.

"Aired on Fox?" No, Dennis. Arsenio was syndicated.

For the longest time, I did too, because of the title character on Benson.

I like Grease, but you might be on to something with your theory about the mid-to-late '70s nostalgia for the '50s giving rise to the Reagan years and the yearning for a time that never really happened. Upvoted for giving me something to think about.

*grumbles incoherently*

Nightmare on Elm Street 3: My Fap Stamina vs. That Hot Nurse Played by Stacey Alden, and Whether or Not the Tape Finally Wears Out in That Spot

Already taken by Spike TV.

"Flaming Lips and Toadies! Welcome…to DIE!!"