Travis Meyer

Yecch. She makes me want to Rowlf.

I felt the same way.

— Dean Vernon

They could both fit in an A-cup!

At some point, someone will make a similar Family Guy reference, and the universe will implode.

Mothra Focka!

Yes, and it involves two tiny Asian chicks.

If Jaime were here, I would tell him, "A negateeve times a negateeve equals a positeeve!"

Yes, named after the Rocky Horror character.


I always ask for extra glutens.

You ready?

Almost everything about this is good news.

Everything about this is good news.

PUSSY. The answer is pussy. Next question.

If you're at all like me, you'll get just as much (if not more) nostalgia value by YouTubing the commercials for said albums. I'm off to do that now.

Next time, pick her up by the neck, look her in the eyes, and intone, "Give me the AMULET, YOU BITCH!"

I couldn't believe it myself. If that fruit were hanging any lower, it would be buried.

FOR OUR CONSIDERATION: Drake's Views From The 6 isn't a black album, it's a Canadian album

There's something about this that's so black, it's like how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.