Travis Meyer

Furthermore, it's got a lot to do with what you could and couldn't get away with on network television then versus now. The cheeky, risqué responses were funnier when they were left unspoken. See also: Family Feud.

Alec Baldwin is going to blank ABC’s Match Game revival

This is a bad idea. Didn't work in the '90s, won't work now. The Match Game was a product of its time, end of story.

Whenever I hear Don Cheadle's name, my mind immediately goes to "the repulsive orange residue left on one's fingers after eating a bag of Chee-tos."

"Leeeetttt's start…The Familllyyyy Faaaaanngg!!"

I don't give a hoot about Woodsy's movies.

Not too tart, not too sweet!

How much are those beards going for at the souvenir table? Probably like twenty bucks?

And an expert Battleship player, apparently.

I was afraid you'd write "Jamie Fear."

The big wheel IS the Showcase Showdown. It's a common misconception.

No. Holly > Manuela, Rachel, Gwendolyn AND Amber COMBINED.

The obvious answer: name tags.

My favorite Seinfeld episode!

"Alexander the Grape" or GTFO.

*Alex Jones and Jay-Z laugh and laugh and laugh*

Because I'm bored. You can bet your ass that Beyoncé and Jay-Z are in on the gag too.

Nope. All bucks.

Bucks. It's that simple.

It's pro wrestling, the same as most talk radio. Alex Jones is a well known "heel" in his field.