Travis Meyer

Batman V. Superman: Drinkers of Piss

Counterpoint: Minnesota elected Jesse Ventura.

Let's call Twitter users dickheads. That seems like a better use of our time.

Everyone here got upvoted because Pee Wee is great. Never mind how drunk I am.

None of them. Stick with the cartoon.

Speaking as a terrible excuse for a person, I have to ask: Why didn't I think of this? The fools don't separate themselves from their money.

Great Rock 'n Roll Swindle, indeed.

Klown. Klowny klown klown. I hate you, klown.

— Norman Bates

Janet Leigh bleeds chocolate syrup. Bosco, specifically.

Clown. Clowny clown clown. I hate you, clown.

I just looked it up, and no, they don't. It has Bud Died.

Do they even make Bud Dry anymore?

I may have read about this in Look magazine.

I'm seeing double! EIGHT Krustys?!?

1980s called, they want "so-and-so called" back.

There should be more songs written about D. C. Cab.

"Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father
Will bring the Everlasting Gobstopper"

Welsh reads like a cryptogram.

So the Midnight Special will NOT shine a light on me?